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On the phenomenon of visual arts and the meanders of their preservation (Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN)

(Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN / Iwona Szmelter / 9788301215996)
E-booki Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Dostepność na dzień 27.07.2024: w magazynie

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113,05 zł
Sklep TaniaKsiazka.pl
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Opis produktu On the phenomenon of visual arts and the meanders of...

Tytuł On the Phenomenon of Visual Arts and the Meanders of Their Preservation Podtytuł The Philosophy and Elements of the New Theory and Practice of Coservation Autor Iwona Szmelter Język polski Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN ISBN 978-83-01-21599-6 Rok wydania 2020 Wydanie 1 liczba stron 176 Format mobi, epub Spis treści Introduction 9 Chapter one: Visual arts and heritage 13 1. Contemporary discourses on visual arts and heritage 2. Understanding heritage 24 3. Philosophy in search of ‘the truth of art’ 31 Chapter two: Art: an idea that shaped our world 44 1. On valuing the heritage of visual arts 47 2. Understanding the value of heritage according to various criteria 3. Proposal of a comprehensive assessment of values 53 4. Institutional criteria and framework for valuation/evaluation 5. Assessment of values and conservation as a process 6. ‘Brainstorming’ the heritage of culture 61 Chapter three: Meanders in the preservation of visual arts 65 1. Professional awareness of artists and conservators 67 2. Significance of personality in the development of conservator knowledge 3. What we preserve 73 4. Diverse understanding of authenticity 74 5. Memento 76 6. The theory of object/heritage preservation in the 20th and the 21st century 7. The return of fundamental questions about art 81 8. On ethics, responsibility and communication 87 Chapter four: Contemporary changes in the ethics and preservation of visual arts 90 1. New instruments and methodologies 91 2. Moral casuistry and bespoke codes of ethics 93 3. Proposals for bespoke codes of ethics in institutions 94 4. Pros and cons of communication with artists 95 5. Impasse of visual arts? Preventing their impermanence? 97 6. ‘Everything’ may be the matter of art 102 7. Discoveries in the interpretation of visual arts 104 8. Consequences of changes in visual arts 105 9. Differences in the approach to old art associated with traditional disciplines and to new phenomena in contemporary art 109 10. Communication in visual arts research 115 11. Communication in education 123 Chapter five: New elements in the theory and practice of preservation 125 1. Re-orientation of the aims of preservation 126 2. The comprehensive preservation of the works of Alina Szapocznikow 129 3. Difficulties in preserving the conceptual legacy of a ‘total artist’: the case of Tadeusz Kantor 136 4. Artist, curator and conservator cooperation. Handling ephemeral artistic mega-productions 142 5. Actor-network theory in the preservation of heritage 150 Chapter six: Summary expanding the theory of the preservation of visual arts 152 1. Deontology of the preservation of visual arts 153 2. New conceptual framework for the preservation of visual arts 155 3. Holism as a comprehensive approach to the preservation of heritage 160 Conclusion 162 Acknowledgments 165 Name index 167 Bibliography 171

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    Iwona szmelter
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    Wydawnictwo naukowe pwn
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