Literatura obcojęzyczna
300393 produktyPopularne w ostatnim czasie:
Susan Hollister - Yoga
Zobacz w sklepieCreatespace Independent Publishing PlatformDo you feel sluggish, mentally exhausted, or disconnected from life?Whether you want to (1) increase your strength and flexibility (2) relieve...72,67 zł -
Faber and faber ltd. The infinity alchemist
Zobacz w sklepieFaber And Faber LtdWhen Ash is caught perform alchemy, instead of handing him over to the reds, Ramsay blackmails Ash into helping with a dangerous personal mission:...42,39 zł -
Death in a lonely land St martin's press
Zobacz w sklepieSt Martin's PressFollowing the smashing success of "Last Horizons" (SMP, 1989), Peter Capstick now presents a second volume of pieces culled from such magazines...102,75 zł -
Elektor verlag Das can-bus praxisbuch
Zobacz w sklepieElektor VerlagIn diesem Buch werden Anwendungen von Arduino Uno und Raspberry Pi 4 in praxisnahen Projekten auf Basis von CAN-Bus detailliert beschrieben....95,10 zł -
III: Scattering Theory
Zobacz w sklepieAcademic PressScattering theory is the study of an interacting system on a scale of time and/or distance which is large compared to the scale of the interaction...1,033,85 zł -
7 semanas para renacer Obelisco ediciones
Zobacz w sklepieObelisco EdicionesSi estás leyendo estas líneas, puede que estés escuchando un llamado de tu alma a ir más allá de los límites en los que tu mente la ha aprisionado....88,16 zł -
Harpercollins publishers Stacey thomas - revels
Zobacz w sklepieHarperCollins PublishersEngland, 1645. After his half-brother dies, aspiring playwright Nicholas Pearce is apprenticed to Judge William Percival, an infamous former...37,12 zł -
John wiley & sons inc Beyond performance 2.0
Zobacz w sklepieJohn Wiley & Sons IncDouble your odds of leading successful, sustainable change Leaders aren't short on access to change management advice, but the jury has long...122,81 zł -
Eldo Yoshimizu - Ryuko
Zobacz w sklepieTitan BooksFrom creator Eldo Yoshimizu comes a stunning manga which tells the tale of Ryuko, a fierce woman of the Yakuza thirsty for revenge. Ryuko is...53,11 zł -
Planeta cómic My hero academia nº 38
Zobacz w sklepiePlaneta Cómic¡Un shônen de superhéroes!Tras despertar Kurogiri, usa la curvatura espacial para llevar hasta la residencia Gunga a Dabi y a Himiko Toga. Esta...38,91 zł -
Everyman chess Paul keres' best games
Zobacz w sklepieEveryman ChessThis biography of the three-times Soviet Champion contains a superb selection of 170 annotated games opening 1 d4 and the English/Reti complex.99,18 zł -
And Then I Know Love 1
Zobacz w sklepieCarlsen Verlag GmbHBand 1 mit hochwertiger SNS Card - nur in 1. Auflage! Nach einem Unfall muss Shogo seine Profifußballer-Karriere beenden und in einer Konditorei...25,80 zł -
What the moon gave her Andrews mcmeel publishing
Zobacz w sklepieAndrews McMeel PublishingIt is never too late to become all that you envision. Your birth happens more than once so sink into each feeling of uncertainty and ride with...46,95 zł -
One-Punch Man. Книга 3
Zobacz w sklepieАзбукаНастоящие герои никогда не отступают перед лицом опасности! Вот и на этот раз Сайтама и Дженос спешат дать отпор Повелителю Морских Глубин, который...97,99 zł -
АСТ Мессия Дюны. Дети Дюны
Zobacz w sklepieАСТ"Мессия Дюны" - вторая книга саги об Арракисе, открывает перед читателем мир головокружительных интриг, исход которых роковым образом повлияет...105,83 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieOBELISCO«No hay límites para lo que puedes crear para ti mismo, porque tu capacidad para pensar es ilimitada».honda Byrne.Cada ser humano en esta Tierra...94,61 zł -
Poor richard's almanac Createspace independent publishing platform
Zobacz w sklepieCreatespace Independent Publishing PlatformThe Wit and wisdom of Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard Almanac. Over six hundred bits of wisdom from the the most witty Founding Father.34,74 zł -
The heart of addiction Avon a
Zobacz w sklepieAvon AWith compassion and deep understanding based on more than 25 years of clinical practice, Dr. Dodes provides readers with the keys to mastering...54,79 zł -
Johns hopkins university press Social history of rome
Zobacz w sklepieJohns Hopkins University PressThis book treats such topics as the structure of archaic Roman society; social changes from the beginning of Roman expansion to the Second Punic...153,29 zł -
Provincializing europe Princeton university press
Zobacz w sklepiePrinceton University PressTheorie und Gesellschaft§Als Mitbegründer der "Subaltern Studies" ist der indische Historiker Dipesh Chakrabarty einer der Vorreiter der postkolonialen...177,81 zł -
Hazelden information & educational services Rewind, replay, repeat
Zobacz w sklepieHazelden Information & Educational ServicesThe revealing story of one man's struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and his hard-won recovery Nagging doubt: It's a part of everyday...62,44 zł -
Bosz Bestiariusz. zwierzęta
Zobacz w sklepieBoszPo nadzwyczajnie przyjętej linii „Bestiariusza słowiańskiego" jeden z jej autorów, Witold Vargas, przygotował kontynuację tego tytułu, tym razem...38,81 zł -
Handwriting Workbook 1
Zobacz w sklepieHarperCollins PublishersTreasure House Handwriting is a whole-school programme designed to support children in developing a clear and fluent style of writing. Using...45,76 zł -
Richard stark - handle The university of chicago press
Zobacz w sklepieThe University of Chicago PressParker, the ruthless antihero of Richard Stark's eponymous mystery novels, is one of the most unforgettable characters in hardboiled noir. Lauded...68,40 zł -
Волшебные искры солнца АСТ
Zobacz w sklepieАСТНастя и Ярослав невзлюбили друг друга с первого взгляда. Их ненависть могла перерасти в любовь, если бы не могущественный дух, который заставил...67,01 zł -
Drei ist einer zu viel Klett (ernst) verlag,stuttgart
Zobacz w sklepieKlett (Ernst) Verlag,StuttgartNadja und Pia sind schon immer beste Freundinnen, doch dann lernt Nadja Robbie, einen coolen Sänger und Gitarristen, kennen und hat plötzlich...31,96 zł -
M.A.S.K. Integrale T02
Zobacz w sklepieVESTRONLe nouveau Matt Trakker n'a aucune idée de l'existence de l'ancien, mais tous les deux ont affronté le même ennemi: Miles Mayhem. Après avoir...149,91 zł -
Altraverse gmbh Das tsugumi-projekt 07
Zobacz w sklepieAltraverse GmbHLéon und seine Gefährten sind zurück von Sado und befinden sich in der Stadt Kofu, in der Tsugumi Verwandte hat. Doch auch wenn sie dort einige...35,73 zł -
Dk pub How to be good at math
Zobacz w sklepieDk PubMath can be a mental minefield for many, but this essential visual guide ensures everything adds up. This comprehensive math book for elementary...82,50 zł -
Benediction classics From ritual to romance
Zobacz w sklepieBenediction ClassicsFrom Ritual to Romance was written in 1920 żeby Jessie L. Weston. The book was made famous by being mentioned aby T. S. Eliot in the notes to...158,25 zł -
Everyman's library The old curiosity shop
Zobacz w sklepieEveryman's LibraryIncludes an earlier introduction aby G.K. Chesterton (p. 559-569).87,96 zł -
Johns hopkins university press Aaron m bauer - geckos
Zobacz w sklepieJohns Hopkins University PressQ: How do geckos walk across ceilings? A: Millions of hair-like setae on each foot. Q: Where do geckos come from? A: Throughout the world. Usually...148,52 zł -
Auf der Baustelle. Deutsch-Rumänisch
Zobacz w sklepieHueber Verlag GmbHZweisprachiges Kinderbuch Deutsch-RumänischZielgruppe: Kinder ab 2 JahrenAuf der Baustelle wird gebaggert, gehämmert und gebohrt. Viele Menschen...34,04 zł -
Wielki marsz wyd. 2023 Prószyński media
Zobacz w sklepiePrószyński MediaMroczna, alegoryczna wizja przyszłości Stanów Zjednoczonych. Stu wybranych chłopców wyrusza w doroczny morderczy marsz – meta będzie tam, gdzie...36,92 zł -
Random house inc Comfort me with apples
Zobacz w sklepieRandom House IncPicking up where "Tender at the Bone" leaves off, "Comfort Me with Apples" recounts Reichl's transformation from chef to food writer, a process...69,09 zł -
Early Greek Philosophy
Zobacz w sklepieHarvard University PressVolume VI of the nine-volume Loeb edition of Early Greek Philosophy includes the later Ionian and Athenian thinkers Anaxagoras, Archelaus, and...116,05 zł -
Learning tarot spreads Red wheel/weiser
Zobacz w sklepieRed Wheel/WeiserEach tarot reader has a unique style that they hone over time into the fine art of divining the future. In this essential guide to arranging...72,47 zł -
Mob psycho 100 5. bd.5 Carlsen
Zobacz w sklepieCarlsenExorzisten, Geister, Scharlatane und jede Menge Humor tümmeln sich in MOB PSYCHO 100 - nur echt aus der Feder von ONE, Autor von ONE-PUNCH MAN.In...23,12 zł -
Avventure di pinocchio De agostini
Zobacz w sklepieDe AgostiniC’era una volta.... Un burattino che voleva diventare un bambino vero. Ma le intenzioni spesso non bastano. Bisogna anche andare a scuola, ascoltare...40,50 zł -
Морозко. Зимние сказки
Zobacz w sklepieАСТВ книгу "Морозко. Зимние сказки" вошли три классические сказки про самого главного героя зимы – Деда Мороза: "Морозко", "Два Мороза" и "Мороз...63,33 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieDOCUMENTA BALEAREl objetivo de estas páginas es contarles a todos ustedes la historiade mi familia, que es como contarles la historia de Mallorca casidesde tiempo...60,55 zł -
The Wind Knows My Name
Zobacz w sklepieRandom House LLC USNATIONAL BESTSELLER The lives of a Jewish boy escaping Nazi-occupied Europe and a mother and daughter fleeing twenty-first-century El Salvador...45,96 zł -
No other to each other Createspace independent publishing platform
Zobacz w sklepieCreatespace Independent Publishing PlatformWith No Other to Each Other, Wu Hsin raises the bar. No longer content to speak about the transcendent, he now addresses the immanent, clarifying...68,40 zł -
Chess opening blunders Independently published
Zobacz w sklepieIndependently PublishedWhether you call it mistakes, goofs, faux pas, bad moves, or blunders, we all make them. An opening blunder is usually more than a small mistake...60,06 zł -
Profile books Heather lewis - notice
Zobacz w sklepieProfile BooksHer name is not Nina, but that's the name she uses sometimes. At her local bar, in the carpark with her tricks, when she needs to score. She...46,95 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieLOSADAEl ser y la nada es la obra donde Sartre expone técnica y acabadamente su "existencialismo" y aquella que facilita la plena comprensión desu...114,86 zł -
Tarot. Mały przewodnik
Zobacz w sklepieKobieceEkspertka od tarota, twórczyni kilku talii kart oraz autorka wielu poradników na ten temat, Barbara Moore, ukazuje skrupulatną interpretację...33,85 zł -
Эксмо Алтай и Алтайский край
Zobacz w sklepieЭксмоПеред вами экспресс-гид по Алтаю. В нем содержится краткая информация о регионе, советы, как лучше провести первый и второй дни, а также топ-25...55,49 zł -
Like book Любовь под напряжением
Zobacz w sklepieLike BookПопулярный роман Аси Лавринович теперь в удобном формате покета! Разве можно отказаться от приглашения на вечеринку, где будут самые популярные...47,65 zł -
Scarlet soul, volume 1 Tokyopop press
Zobacz w sklepieTokyopop PressThe kingdom of Nohmur has been a peaceful land for humans since the exorcists repelled the demons and sealed the way to the underworld of Ruhmon....42,48 zł -
Magical ritual methods Red wheel/weiser
Zobacz w sklepieRED WHEEL/WEISERA complete treatise and practical guide to ceremonial magic and magical rituals.79,32 zł -
Tatuatore di auschwitz Garzanti
Zobacz w sklepieGarzanti1942. Quando Lale Sokolov varca i cancelli di Auschwitz-Birkenau, gli viene affidato il compito di tatuare i prigionieri. Davanti a lui, in fila,...68,40 zł -
Das land der juwelen 1 Manga cult
Zobacz w sklepieManga CultSechs Meteoriten verwüsteten die Welt. Sechs Monde umkreisen nun das spärliche Land. Umgeben vom Ozean kämpft eine Handvoll Edelsteine in menschlicher...35,73 zł -
Legend of skeleton man Harper collins publishers
Zobacz w sklepieHarper Collins PublishersThis spine-tingling middle grade collection brings together Skeleton Man and The Return of Skeleton Man-two modern classics that will chill you...30,77 zł -
An epidemic of absence Scribner
Zobacz w sklepieScribnerA brilliant, groundbreaking report on the dramatic rise of allergic and autoimmune disease, and the controversial therapies scientists are developing...71,97 zł -
Villard books Old jews telling jokes
Zobacz w sklepieVillard BooksBased on the very popular Web site of the same name, this book features hilarious, irreverent, and sometimes bawdy jokes by old Jews (both men...62,64 zł -
Gareth Harney - Moneta
Zobacz w sklepieVintage PublishingThe extraordinary story of ancient Rome, history's greatest superpower, as told through humankind's most universal object: the coin. When Gareth...62,44 zł -
Faber music ltd Violin playtime book 2
Zobacz w sklepieFaber Music LtdWith Violin Playtime, the beginner violinist can make music from the very first lessons. In the three books that make up the series, there are...49,14 zł -
Scuba Diver's Log Book
Zobacz w sklepieLulu.comScuba Diving Log - Fantastic diver's log book for recording 50 dives - designed żeby Professional Scuba Instructors - Suitable for divers of...38,81 zł -
Zondervan publishing company Esta patente oscuridad
Zobacz w sklepieZondervan Publishing CompanySPANISH EDITION: This bestseller gives insight into spiritual warfare and the need for interceding prayer. The novel shows how desperate and...22,63 zł -
European Banking Union
Zobacz w sklepieTaylor & Francis LtdRecent failures and rescues of large banks have resulted in colossal costs to society. In wake of such turmoil a new banking union must enable...306,29 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieSimon & SchusterA former head of quantitative analysis at Goldman Sachs explains how a collision between economics and mathematics contributed to the recent...67,01 zł -
Culpas compartidas (serie bergman 8) Editorial planeta s.a
Zobacz w sklepieEDITORIAL PLANETA S.ALa espera se ha acabado:áVuelve Sebastian Bergman. Vuelve la adicción.Déjate sorprender por la serie de novela negra que ha conquistado a más...90,64 zł -
Restless dolly maunder Canongate books ltd
Inspired publications Thyroid cancer miracle
Nazis all the way down Westend
Zobacz w sklepieWestendIn Deutschland ist das alltägliche Leben, einschließlich Unternehmen, Verbänden, Kommunalverwaltungen, Parks, Schulen, Kirchen und Medien, immer...82,20 zł -
History of my insanity Createspace independent publishing platform
Zobacz w sklepieCreatespace Independent Publishing PlatformWhen circumstances become insane, sometimes feeling or acting crazy is the only way to keep reality from crushing the spirit. In The History...43,58 zł -
7 Weeks To 50 Pull-ups
Zobacz w sklepieUlysses PressARE YOU READY FOR THE ULTIMATE STRENGTH CHALLENGE? Follow the 7-week program in this book and you'll massively increase your strength, muscle...59,86 zł -
Confieso que he vivido
Zobacz w sklepieEditorial Seix BarralNeruda fue un testigo privilegiado de la historia del siglo xx y unpoeta de muchas vidas, que se pasea por la amplitud del mundo, quetransita...91,23 zł -
Resilience Engineering
Zobacz w sklepieTaylor & Francis LtdFor Resilience Engineering, 'failure' is the result of the adaptations necessary to cope with the complexity of the real world, rather than a...292,29 zł -
Notes From A Defeatist
Zobacz w sklepieVintage PublishingSacco paved the way for Palestine with his powerful triptych on modern war and its innocent victims, originally published in his comic Yahoo...92,52 zł -
Basic studio directing Taylor & francis ltd
Zobacz w sklepieTaylor & Francis LtdStudio directors need to know the basics of studio directing, whether they go on to direct news, drama, children's programmes or light entertainment....316,12 zł -
Solid State Physics 2e
Zobacz w sklepieJohn Wiley & Sons IncPart of a series of textbooks designed for use at undergraduate level, this 2nd edition covers the whole range of solid state physics, including...260,32 zł -
The taste of innocence Harper collins publishers
Zobacz w sklepieHarper Collins PublishersWelcome to the world of Stephanie Laurens - and to the Cynsters and their ever-expanding clan! Now, Charles Morwellan, who we first met in A...33,15 zł -
Editions flammarion Robert doisneau: paris
Zobacz w sklepieEditions FlammarionRobert Doisneau's enchanting black-and-white photographs immortalize the magic of Paris, with its combination of dreamy nostalgia and teeming...156,17 zł -
Imaging breast anatomy Our knowledge publishing
Zobacz w sklepieOur Knowledge PublishingMammography, ultrasound and MRI are essential imaging examinations in the exploration of the mammary gland. Żeby correlating anatomical, histological...158,55 zł -
Pearl: a graphic novel Graphix
Zobacz w sklepieGRAPHIXIn a beautifully crafted and captivating graphic novel from award-winning writer Sherri L. Smith and Eisner-nominated artist Christine Norrie,...49,63 zł -
Dover publications inc. Differential manifolds
Zobacz w sklepieDover Publications IncIntroductionI. Differentiable StructuresII. Immersions, Imbeddings, SubmanifoldsIII. Normal Bundle, Tubular NeighborhoodsIV. TransversalityV....59,86 zł -
How to Photograph Food
Zobacz w sklepieRunning Press AdultFor Amateurs and Pros Looking to Add to their Portfolios, How to Photograph Food Makes Food Photography a Piece of Cake How to Photograph Food...82,50 zł -
Berkley pub group Live right 4 your type
Zobacz w sklepieBerkley Pub GroupThe author of the bestselling "Eat Right 4 Your Type" returns with new research that shows readers how to live according to their blood type...108,71 zł -
Everyman chess Korchnoi: move by move
Zobacz w sklepieEveryman ChessViktor Korchnoi is a chess legend. In a career which has spanned over 60 years, he won countless grandmaster tournaments, was a four-time Soviet...105,83 zł -
Master Your Motivation
Zobacz w sklepieBerrett-Koehler PublishersIf you want to accomplish what's important to you, discipline and willpower won't get you where you need to go. In this iconoclastic new book,...59,36 zł -
Luz estelar/ Starlight
Zobacz w sklepieSalamandra Publicacions Y EdicionsLos gatos han llegado finalmente al que será su nuevo hogar, el quesus antepasados habían deseado para ellos. Sin embargo, aún tienen por delante...63,43 zł -
Gruyter, walter de gmbh The tragedy of ukraine
Zobacz w sklepieGruyter, Walter de GmbHThe conflict in Ukraine has deep domestic roots. A third of the population, primarily in the East and South, regards its own Russian cultural...80,81 zł -
Exergue L'astrologie angélique
Zobacz w sklepieEXERGUEDécouvrez les anges qui sont associés à votre carte du cielTout comme chaque personne a une carte du ciel à la naissance, nous avons tous des...78,43 zł -
Nordsüd verlag Familie maus im garten
Zobacz w sklepieNordSüd VerlagFamilie Maus hat viel Spaß bei der Gartenarbeit. Voll Freude beobachten die Mäuse, wie langsam aus der ausgestreuten Saat ein Keimling, eine...73,66 zł -
Towards A New Cold War
Zobacz w sklepieThe New PressWith the same uncompromising style that characterized his breakthrough, Vietnam-era writings, Toward a New Cold War extends Chomsky's critique...85,87 zł -
My first and only love The american university in cairo press
Zobacz w sklepieThe American University in Cairo PressA deeply poetic account of love and resistance through a young girl's eyes by acclaimed writer, Sahar Khalifeh, called "the Virginia Woolf of...73,86 zł -
Die Freundin der Braut
Zobacz w sklepieKindler VerlagIn seinem neuen Roman erzählt SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautor Nicolas Barreau von den Irrwegen des Glücks und vom Zauber der Liebe. Eine romantische...101,76 zł -
Urban comics Zorro: man of the dead
Zobacz w sklepieURBAN COMICSDans la ville mexicaine de La Vega, tout le monde honore la mémoire de Zorro qui, 180 ans auparavant, aurait signé le porche de l'église de son...140,68 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieDEBATEEn este nuevo volumen de la adaptación gráfica de Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen y Daniel Casaneve continúan, con ingenio, empatía...87,76 zł -
Little simon Night before christmas
Zobacz w sklepieLittle SimonThe original tale of The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore is now accompanied aby enchanting illustrations from Antonio Caparo in this...39,50 zł -
Подсознание может все
Zobacz w sklepieПопурриАвтор этой книги в уединении среди лесов канадской провинции Британская Колумбия три года сосредоточенно размышлял над вопросами, касающимися...70,98 zł -
Random house usa inc Mandy's gourmet salads
Zobacz w sklepieRandom House USA IncFrom the sisters behind Montreal's sensational gourmet salads comes an overwhelmingly gorgeous cookbook, packed with simple and delicious recipes...100,57 zł -
Harpercollins publishers inc That bird has my wings
Zobacz w sklepieHarperCollins Publishers IncIn 1990, then-23-year-old African-American Jarvis was sentenced to death in the state of California. Using the only instrument available to him--a...60,95 zł -
Los hermanos Karamázov
Zobacz w sklepieAlba EditorialLos hijos legítimos de Fiódor Pávlovich Karamázov -un «bufón», un«filisteo», un «déspota», solo en última instancia un padre- se reúnen después...217,33 zł -
Del rey books Knights of dark renown
Zobacz w sklepieDel Rey BooksOnce the legendary knights of the Gabala defended the nine duchies. Their hearts were beautiful; their armor was beyond compare. They were greater...34,74 zł -
Practice of kalachakra Shambhala publications inc
Zobacz w sklepieShambhala Publications IncThe Kalachakra spiritual legacy is a vital and central part of Tibetan Buddhism. Presented here is a detailed and practical overview of this...135,12 zł -
Pan macmillan Gruffalo latin edition
Zobacz w sklepiePan MacmillanThe award-winning story of The Gruffalo, in which a clever little mouse outwits the creatures of the deep dark wood, is the perfect picture book,...69,79 zł -
Court Dancer - A Novel
Zobacz w sklepiePEGASUS BOOKSWhen a novice French diplomat arrives for an audience with the Emperor, he is enraptured by the Joseon Dynasty's magnificent culture, then at...93,72 zł -
Schaap, till edition World press photo 2022
Zobacz w sklepieSchaap, Till EditionDieses Buch präsentiert Ihnen die Gewin- ner - die eindrucksvollsten Bilder und überzeugendsten Reportagen - des 2021 World Press Photo-Wettbewerbes....93,91 zł -
A spell of good things Canongate books ltd
Zobacz w sklepieCanongate Books LtdA dazzling story of modern Nigeria and two families caught in the riptides of wealth, power, romantic obsession and political corruption. Eniola...38,61 zł -
Plutón ediciones Los hermanos karamázov
Zobacz w sklepiePlutón EdicionesLos hermanos Karamázov fue publicada por primera vez, como una serie, entre 1879 y 1880. Fue la última obra del escritor ruso Fiódor Dostoyevski...93,42 zł -
Naturalist at large, a Houghton mifflin harcourt publishing company
Zobacz w sklepieHoughton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing CompanyFrom one of the finest scientist/writers of our time comes an engaging record of a life spent in close observation of the natural world, one...87,96 zł -
Zobacz w sklepiePlutón EdicionesDe la Tierra a la Luna es la cuarta novela del escritor francés Julio Verne (1828-1905) y narra las aventuras de Gun-Club de Baltimore, un grupo...29,97 zł -
Очень плохой профессор
Zobacz w sklepieЭксмоМежду ними был всего метр. Расстояние дыхания. Один шаг - так далеко и невыносимо близко. Так много "хочу" и еще больше - "нельзя". Невинная...63,33 zł -
Gallimard Requiem pour une nonne
Zobacz w sklepieGallimardNancy Mannigoe, une servante noire, ancienne prostituée, a assassiné l'enfant de Temple Stevens qui lui avait été confié. Les lecteurs de Faulkner...81,11 zł -
Manga cult Die blumen des bösen 1
Zobacz w sklepieManga CultTakao ist ein Bücherwurm - unauffällig, introvertiert und die Nase immer zwischen den Seiten eines Romans versteckt. Doch stille Wasser sind...68,89 zł -
Introducing trevarthen Taylor & francis ltd
Zobacz w sklepieTaylor & Francis LtdColwyn Trevarthen's seminal work has earned him a place alongside the most prestigious thinkers, writers and researchers into human development....194,99 zł -
Las máscaras del héroe Espasa calpe
Zobacz w sklepieEspasa CalpeNovela coral y crónica literaria de toda una época, Las máscaras delhéroe es un retrato de la bohemia madrile?a de principios del sigloXX. Sus...107,52 zł -
Parábolas del silencio Txalaparta, s.l
Zobacz w sklepieTxalaparta, S.LRelatos escritos desde su más doliente humanidad cargados de detalles personales, gozos y amarguras. Con un prosa clara, semejante a la mirada...119,93 zł -
Divorcing a Narcissist
Zobacz w sklepieTina SwithinPrior to stepping onto the battlefield with a Narcissist, it is imperative to know their playbook both forwards and backwards. The behavior of...89,45 zł -
Frog and toad together Harperfestival
Zobacz w sklepieHarperFestivalRead along with your favorite I Can Read Book characters I Can Read Books are the premier line of beginning readers encouraging children to learn--and...42,88 zł -
Tennis Skills & Drills
Zobacz w sklepieHuman Kinetics PublishersA guide to mastering the Tennis game. It helps you gain the techniques and shots that are essential for success in this versatile and powerful...121,81 zł -
Perennial The way the crow flies
Zobacz w sklepiePerennialFrom the acclaimed author of "Fall on Your Knees"--a "New York Times" bestseller and Oprah pick--comes a mesmerizing look "at childhood, marriage,...62,64 zł -
I could have done that Michael o'mara books ltd
Zobacz w sklepieMichael O'Mara Books LtdHave you ever looked at a great work of art and thought, 'I could have done that'? Well, now's your chance! Have you ever looked at a great work...69,09 zł -
Rewolucja nie ma końca Literackie
Zobacz w sklepieLiterackieszeroka latynoamerykańska summa Artura Domosławskiego Reportaż totalny. Dwadzieścia lat po premierze kultowej Gorączki latynoamerykańskiej Artur...85,77 zł -
One night in hartswood Harpercollins publishers
Zobacz w sklepieHarperCollins Publishers'A thrilling, heart-stealing historic romp and achingly romantic.' M.A. Kuzniar, bestselling author of Midnight in Everwood 'A heartwarming tale...37,12 zł -
Między ziemią a niebem Albus
Zobacz w sklepieAlbusTo książka o ziemi wodzie, ogniu, wietrze, chmurach, Słońcu i Księżycu, o żywiołach, które towarzyszą człowiekowi, od zawsze. Autorka snuje opowieści...69,09 zł