Literatura obcojęzyczna

308628 produktów
  • Dinosaur colouring book Michael o'mara books ltd

    Zobacz w sklepie Dinosaur colouring book Michael o'mara books ltd
    Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
    There's tons of prehistoric fun to be had with this new colouring book, jam-packed with dinosaurs to colour in. From a triceratops to a stegosaurus,...
    33,35 zł
  • Daw Dirty streets of heaven

    Zobacz w sklepie Daw Dirty streets of heaven
    "The Dirty Streets of Heaven" is the first book of a new modern urban fantasy series from Tad Williams, New York Times bestselling author of...
    37,22 zł
  • Les sept mariages d'edgar et ludmilla

    Zobacz w sklepie Les sept mariages d'edgar et ludmilla
    «Edgar et Ludmilla. Ce qui a été écrit sur eux, leurs succès, les scandales auxquels ils ont été mêlés, leur réussite éclatante et leurs périodes...
    40,80 zł
  • Children's encyclopedia of animals ua

    Zobacz w sklepie Children's encyclopedia of animals ua
    Children's encyclopedia of animals' is a unique chance to get to know the most mysterious inhabitants of our planet. Young readers will learn...
    60,96 zł
  • River of Shadows (Underworld Gods #1)

    Zobacz w sklepie River of Shadows (Underworld Gods #1)
    'Magical, witty, deliciously seductive...River of Shadows is a uniquely immersive ' tantalizing journey of love and sacrifice that has you rooting...
    58,36 zł
  • Peter romer- dekok and the lost child

    Zobacz w sklepie Peter romer- dekok and the lost child
    Join inspector DeKok in his investigations in the DeKok series by Dutch bestselling author Baantjer. Is there an old feud in the Amsterdam underworld…?...
    49,99 zł
  • Moving pictures: (discworld novel 10)

    Zobacz w sklepie Moving pictures: (discworld novel 10)
    'HOLY WOOD IS A DIFFERENT SORT OF PLACE... HERE, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO BE IMPORTANT.' A new phenomenon is taking over the Discworld:...
    55,09 zł
  • German army 1939-45 (5) Bloomsbury publishing

    Zobacz w sklepie German army 1939-45 (5) Bloomsbury publishing
    Bloomsbury Publishing
    This book covers the high command, the developments in unit organisation, the campaigns and the uniforms and equipment of the German Army in...
    69,09 zł
  • Эксмо Развиваем навыки чтения

    Zobacz w sklepie Эксмо Развиваем навыки чтения
    Эта книга предназначена для детей, которые выучили все или почти все буквы, но еще не могут прочесть детскую сказку. В результате коротких, но...
    32,16 zł
  • Skills builder movers 1 - student's book (with digibooks app) Express

    Zobacz w sklepie Skills builder movers 1 - student's book (with digibooks app) Express
    pakiet obejmuje podręcznik papierowy oraz kod aktywacyjny do podręcznika cyfrowego - DigiBooka. Nowa edycja podręcznika Skills Builder Flyers...
    64,82 zł
  • D3.js for the Impatient

    Zobacz w sklepie D3.js for the Impatient
    O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA
    If you understand the basics of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript and want to make quick sense of the extensive but often overwhelming reference documentation...
    178,11 zł
  • Implementation patterns Pearson education

    Zobacz w sklepie Implementation patterns Pearson education
    Pearson Education
    "Kent is a master at creating code that communicates well, is easy to understand, and is a pleasure to read. Every chapter of this book contains...
    226,46 zł
  • Bloomsbury publishing Slayer's reign in blood

    Zobacz w sklepie Bloomsbury publishing Slayer's reign in blood
    Bloomsbury Publishing
    Ferris explores the creation of this most universally respected metal album from 1986.
    43,58 zł
  • ESV Value Compact Bible

    Zobacz w sklepie ESV Value Compact Bible
    Crossway Books
    The ESV Value Compact Bible retains many of the components of the ESV Compact Bible. It features a quality TruTone cover, but is made more affordable...
    51,52 zł
  • William b eerdmans publishing co Hidden and the manifest

    Zobacz w sklepie William b eerdmans publishing co Hidden and the manifest
    William B Eerdmans Publishing Co
    Rowan Williams says that David Bentley Hart "can always be relied on to offer a perspective on the Christian faith that is both profound and...
    160,63 zł
  • Bradipolibri Andrea belotti il gallo

    Zobacz w sklepie Bradipolibri Andrea belotti il gallo
    "Grinta, cuore, coraggio, generositŕ. Ma, soprattutto, un grandissimo senso del gol. Elencate le caratteristiche, č facile capire che si sta...
    65,12 zł
  • Augustyniak Anna - Skok

    Zobacz w sklepie Augustyniak Anna - Skok
    "Skok" to więcej niż tylko historia dla dzieci. To opowieść o kłopotach, zmaganiach i sztuce dostosowywania się do zmieniającej się rzeczywistości....
    43,38 zł
  • Tarot reader's workbook Sandy anastasi inc

    Zobacz w sklepie Tarot reader's workbook Sandy anastasi inc
    Sandy Anastasi Inc
    Whether you are a beginning-level Tarot reader, an experienced professional, or just curious, the Tarot Reader's Workbook will help you to expand...
    131,05 zł
  • Calisthenics & Mobility

    Zobacz w sklepie Calisthenics & Mobility
    Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd
    Calisthenics and mobility training are proven to develop strength and agility without the risk of injury, and with the tips, advice, and exercises...
    80,11 zł
  • Createspace independent publishing platform Luciferianism: alterego

    Zobacz w sklepie Createspace independent publishing platform Luciferianism: alterego
    Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
    AlterEgo is the first book in my series which engages with practices and concepts that can be put to use so that you can to achieve the secrets...
    60,06 zł
  • The Bride and the Beast

    Zobacz w sklepie The Bride and the Beast
    Dear Reader, I'd been prowling the crumbling ruins of Castle Weyrcraig for so long that I could no longer remember if I was man or beast. Then...
    34,74 zł
  • Como mandar a la mierda de forma educada Javier vergara editor s.a

    Zobacz w sklepie Como mandar a la mierda de forma educada Javier vergara editor s.a
    83,69 zł
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Zobacz w sklepie Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Offers the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights following a foreword żeby human rights lawyer Amal Clooney and a general introduction...
    32,29 zł
  • Main Street Millionaire

    Zobacz w sklepie Main Street Millionaire
    Ebury Publishing
    Rich people know a secret. In this book, former Wall Street investor Codie Sanchez pulls back the curtain. Most people look for wealth in all...
    78,92 zł
  • Tusquets editores Cosas que ya no existen

    Zobacz w sklepie Tusquets editores Cosas que ya no existen
    Tusquets Editores
    Cristina Fernández Cubas nació en Arenys de Mar (Barcelona) en 1945.Es autora de cinco libros de relatos -Mi hermana Elba, Los altillos de Brumal,...
    82,50 zł
  • 9780349442624 Pakiet: kings of sin 3-book boxed set

    Zobacz w sklepie 9780349442624 Pakiet: kings of sin 3-book boxed set
    Contains 3 paperbacks. Powyższy opis pochodzi od wydawcy.
    112,99 zł
  • Irish Myths And Legends

    Zobacz w sklepie Irish Myths And Legends
    Little, Brown Book Group
    From the epic Irish legend of Cuchulain to tales of banshees, leprechauns and wizards, these short stories and fables cover a wide range of Ireland's...
    46,95 zł
  • Sisi - das geheime leben der kaiserin

    Zobacz w sklepie Sisi - das geheime leben der kaiserin
    Einblicke in Sisis private Welt Das bewegte Leben Kaiserin Elisabeths scheint hinlänglich bekannt - auch die Tatsache, dass Sisi sich zunehmend...
    99,91 zł
  • Crown of Crimson (Underworld Gods #2)

    Zobacz w sklepie Crown of Crimson (Underworld Gods #2)
    The next thrilling instalment in the Underworld Gods series. Perfect for readers who want high steam Hades/Persephone and Beauty and the Beast...
    61,17 zł
  • Galaxia gutenberg Unamuno contra miguel primo de rivera

    Zobacz w sklepie Galaxia gutenberg Unamuno contra miguel primo de rivera
    Cuando Miguel Primo de Rivera publica su manifiesto el 13 de septiembre de 1923, Miguel de Unamuno es el primero en oponerse al Directorio militar...
    90,14 zł
  • Los futuros del espaÑol Alianza editorial

    Zobacz w sklepie Los futuros del espaÑol Alianza editorial
    Alianza Editorial
    ¿Qué futuro le espera al español como lengua internacional? Esta obra ofrece respuesta a ese interrogante desde un cuidadoso manejo de la información...
    92,03 zł
  • The american university in cairo press Discovering tutankhamun

    Zobacz w sklepie The american university in cairo press Discovering tutankhamun
    The American University in Cairo Press
    Penned aby a scholar who was personally involved in research into the enigmatic young pharaoh, this comprehensive and fully illustrated new study...
    172,75 zł
  • International marketing Cengage

    Zobacz w sklepie International marketing Cengage
    Examine today's best practices and key issues impacting international marketing with the best-selling, upper-level international marketing text...
    449,85 zł
  • Börm bruckmeier Akute und chronische herzinsuffizienz

    Zobacz w sklepie Börm bruckmeier Akute und chronische herzinsuffizienz
    Börm Bruckmeier
    Die aktualisierte Pocket-Leitlinie "Akute und chronische Herzinsuffizienz" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie basiert auf der überarbeiteten...
    31,66 zł
  • АСТ Атлас анатомии человека

    Zobacz w sklepie АСТ Атлас анатомии человека
    Данный атлас анатомии представляет собой современное пособие, содержащее основные сведения по строению, расположению и функциям всех органов...
    125,19 zł
  • Army of herod the great Bloomsbury publishing

    Zobacz w sklepie Army of herod the great Bloomsbury publishing
    Bloomsbury Publishing
    Herod was Rome's most important and powerful ally at the end of the Republic. Although he has entered posterity as a ruthless ruler not only...
    69,09 zł
  • 21 Letters on Life and Its Challenges

    Zobacz w sklepie 21 Letters on Life and Its Challenges
    Charles Handy is one of the giants of contemporary thought. His books on management – including Understanding Organizations and Gods of Management...
    35,99 zł
  • Моби Дик, или Белый Кит

    Zobacz w sklepie Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
    Одна из лучших книг о судьбе и неизбежном роке, фатуме. Песнь печали и трагедии. Брызги соленой воды на лице, скрежет мачт и порывы ледяного...
    36,03 zł
  • Solutions: pre-intermediate: workbook

    Zobacz w sklepie Solutions: pre-intermediate: workbook
    With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford's best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside...
    72,78 zł
  • Moralność pani Dulskiej

    Zobacz w sklepie Moralność pani Dulskiej
    Wybitne dzieło Zapolskiej opowiada o mieszczańskim domu z przełomu XIX i XX wieku. Pani Dulska, silną ręką rządząca cała rodziną, nawet nie przypuszcza,...
    9,72 zł
  • Das wundervolle Übungsbuch der motive

    Zobacz w sklepie Das wundervolle Übungsbuch der motive
    Üben geht auch mit Liebe!
    62,48 zł
  • Veleno. una storia vera Einaudi

    Zobacz w sklepie Veleno. una storia vera Einaudi
    Alla fine degli anni Novanta, in due paesi della Bassa Modenese separati da una manciata di chilometri di campi, cascine e banchi di nebbia,...
    88,85 zł
  • 9789669825261 Rocky. a classy garmider w. ukraińska

    Zobacz w sklepie 9789669825261 Rocky. a classy garmider w. ukraińska
    The boy Paul and the robot Rocky are best friends. They love to spend time together doing homework. And the mini-robot dreams of seeing what...
    31,50 zł
  • Guns n' roses anthology Cherry lane music co

    Zobacz w sklepie Guns n' roses anthology Cherry lane music co
    (Play It Like It Is). A collection of 21 classic hard rock selections from GN'R's first four albums. Includes: Welcome to the Jungle * Patience...
    122,81 zł
  • Dragon Ball Z - Film 06

    Zobacz w sklepie Dragon Ball Z - Film 06
    Lorsqu’un gigantesque engin s’accroche à la planète Namek pour aspirer toute sa vie et son énergie, Goku et ses amis sont aussitôt appelés en...
    78,13 zł
  • Buddhismus für anfänger Scorpio

    Zobacz w sklepie Buddhismus für anfänger Scorpio
    Wie können wir Zufriedenheit, Glück und ein inneres Gleichgewicht erreichen?§Wie entsteht Leid? Was bedeutet Meditation wirklich? In ihrer zeitlosen...
    84,68 zł
  • Ballet called swan lake Dance books ltd

    Zobacz w sklepie Ballet called swan lake Dance books ltd
    Dance Books Ltd
    This classic book is the definitive work on one of ballet's greatest and most popular works, Swan Lake.The book is in two parts. The first describes...
    71,97 zł
  • Twins & Multiple Births

    Zobacz w sklepie Twins & Multiple Births
    Ebury Publishing
    Subtitled, }The Essential Parenting Guide From Parenting to Adulthood{. A practical and often amusing guide for every parent of twins. The first...
    92,42 zł
  • Treffpunkt - Deutsch für die Integration - Internationale Ausgabe - Deutsch als Fremdsprache - A1: Teilband 1

    Zobacz w sklepie Treffpunkt - Deutsch für die Integration - Internationale Ausgabe - Deutsch als Fremdsprache - A1: Teilband 1
    Das neue Lehrwerk Treffpunkt international ist der ideale Begleiter für Integrations- und Berufsmigrationskurse im Ausland: Mit einem gut durchdachten...
    66,01 zł
  • High flow nasal cannula Springer nature switzerland ag

    Zobacz w sklepie High flow nasal cannula Springer nature switzerland ag
    Springer Nature Switzerland AG
    This book presents the state of the art in high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), an oxygen therapy technique that has recently proven to be a very...
    285,54 zł
  • Babys Very First Noisy Book Christmas

    Zobacz w sklepie Babys Very First Noisy Book Christmas
    An enchanting board book with music and sounds to match the festive pictures. Little hands will love pressing the buttons to hear twinkling Christmas...
    42,19 zł
  • 3 por uno - Repasa (B1)

    Zobacz w sklepie 3 por uno - Repasa (B1)
    Klett Sprachen
    Sprachliche Funktionen, grammatische Strukturen und Wortschatz - Diese 3 Komponenten werden inhaltlich aufeinander abgestimmt in einem einzigen...
    77,93 zł
  • A History of Popular Culture in Japan

    Zobacz w sklepie A History of Popular Culture in Japan
    'The first historical overview of popular culture in Japan from its origins in the 17th century to the present day, exploring themes of conflict,...
    163,99 zł
  • Picador Bonfire of the vanities

    Zobacz w sklepie Picador Bonfire of the vanities
    "The Bonfire of the Vanities" is vintage Wolfe--the #1 bestseller that will forever define late-20th-century New York style. "No one has portrayed...
    82,50 zł
  • Jolly English Level 2 Pupil Set: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)

    Zobacz w sklepie Jolly English Level 2 Pupil Set: In Precursive Letters (British English edition)
    The Jolly English Level 2 Pupil Set contains a colour Pupil Book and a black and white Practice Book, bursting with engaging activities for children...
    85,21 zł
  • Alfred music publishing Grand trios for piano 4

    Zobacz w sklepie Alfred music publishing Grand trios for piano 4
    Alfred Music Publishing
    The joy of ensemble playing with six hands at the piano is captured in this series of trios żeby educational music author Melody Bober. Written...
    29,28 zł
  • The Greatest Self-Help Book (is the one written by you): A Daily Journal for Gratitude, Happiness, Reflection and Self-Love

    Zobacz w sklepie The Greatest Self-Help Book (is the one written by you): A Daily Journal for Gratitude, Happiness, Reflection and Self-Love
    Write your own self-help book with this affirming daily journal from bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing is the New High,...
    85,88 zł
  • Revolution at the Gates

    Zobacz w sklepie Revolution at the Gates
    Verso Books
    The idea of a Lenin renaissance might well provoke an outburst of sarcastic laughter. Marx is ok, but Lenin? Doesn't he stand for a monumental...
    153,98 zł
  • Armageddon and Paranoia

    Zobacz w sklepie Armageddon and Paranoia
    Profile Books
    Bestselling author, former British diplomat and expert on Russia Rodric Braithwaite's gripping account of the intense rivalry between Russia...
    69,39 zł
  • Amazing phrasing guitar Omnibus music sales limited

    Zobacz w sklepie Amazing phrasing guitar Omnibus music sales limited
    (Guitar Educational). This book with online audio explores all the main components necessary for crafting well-balanced rhythmic and melodic...
    82,70 zł
  • 9772058591007 Premium crossword puzzles. volume 116

    Zobacz w sklepie 9772058591007 Premium crossword puzzles. volume 116
    Premium Crossword Puzzles posiada dobór krzyżówek z mieszanką wskazówek dotyczących definicji słów i wskazówek dotyczących wiedzy ogólnej, które...
    29,00 zł
  • Springer international publishing ag Topographic labiaplasty

    Zobacz w sklepie Springer international publishing ag Topographic labiaplasty
    Springer International Publishing AG
    This book provides the reader a fully descriptive approach of labia minora hypertrophy and clitoral hood elongation related to anatomical variants....
    447,17 zł
  • The exile and the sinner w. ukraińska

    Zobacz w sklepie The exile and the sinner w. ukraińska
    Autumn of 1916. The Great War continues for the third year. Platon Chechel, a former police officer mobilized for military service. But this...
    45,01 zł
  • Harpercollins publishers Ultimate knitting bible

    Zobacz w sklepie Harpercollins publishers Ultimate knitting bible
    HarperCollins Publishers
    This best-selling title is THE essential guide to knitting. Whether you want to knit socks, use sequins and embroidery to embellish knitting,...
    92,52 zł
  • Mini encyclopedia. Fauna w. ukraińska

    Zobacz w sklepie Mini encyclopedia. Fauna w. ukraińska
    Children's mini encyclopedia about animals is a great gift for everyone who wants to dive into the mysterious world of these creatures. Young...
    21,04 zł
  • Juni Taisen: Zodiac War

    Zobacz w sklepie Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
    Viz Media
    Twelve warriors enter a death match, but only one can survive to win the ultimate prize.
    70,58 zł
  • Ghitta Carell Portraits

    Zobacz w sklepie Ghitta Carell Portraits
    Ce volume nous fait mieux connaître l’œuvre et la destinée de Ghitta Carell (1899-1972), photographe d’origine hongroise naturalisée italienne....
    164,01 zł
  • Youri Djorkaeff,Arnaud Ramsay - Snake

    Zobacz w sklepie Youri Djorkaeff,Arnaud Ramsay - Snake
    C'est un footballeur à part. Elément essentiel de la victoire des Bleus lors de la Coupe du Monde 1998 et de l'Euro 2000, compagnon indispensable...
    156,66 zł
  • Environmental chemistry Taylor & francis ltd

    Zobacz w sklepie Environmental chemistry Taylor & francis ltd
    Taylor & Francis Ltd
    With clear explanations, real-world examples and updated ancillary material, the 11th edition of Environmental Chemistry emphasizes the concepts...
    562,84 zł
  • Hierophant publishing Healing ancestral karma

    Zobacz w sklepie Hierophant publishing Healing ancestral karma
    Hierophant Publishing
    Uncover Your Family's Past and Create a Better FutureHas your family gone through the same trials and tribulations generation after generation?...
    70,48 zł
  • Der Fluch des Imperiums

    Zobacz w sklepie Der Fluch des Imperiums
    Beck C. H
    Vor dem 24. Februar 2022 erschien Putins Regime vielen Beobachtern vor allem am eigenen Machterhalt und der Ausbeutung Russlands interessiert...
    129,16 zł
  • Special effects make-up Bloomsbury publishing

    Zobacz w sklepie Special effects make-up Bloomsbury publishing
    Bloomsbury Publishing
    Advice tips and trade secrets from a top special effects professional. 400+ colour photos.
    156,07 zł
  • Szczepić - nie szczepić Wydawnictwo kobiece

    Zobacz w sklepie Szczepić - nie szczepić Wydawnictwo kobiece
    Wydawnictwo Kobiece
    Biorąc pod uwagę ogólnoświatowe, masowe dążenie do szczepień i powszechny chaos informacyjny z tym związany, niezbędna wydaje się rewizja dotychczasowej...
    44,37 zł
  • French Wine For Dummies

    Zobacz w sklepie French Wine For Dummies
    John Wiley & Sons Inc
    "Whether you are an avid collector or wine novice, this book offers an extensive resource in an accessible format." -Charlie Trotter, Acclaimed...
    63,63 zł
  • Quickstudy for Geometry

    Zobacz w sklepie Quickstudy for Geometry
    QuickStudy Booklets cover the key information on some of the toughest subjects today, helping students boost their grades. The QuickStudy Geometry...
    27,59 zł
  • George and the Big Bang

    Zobacz w sklepie George and the Big Bang
    Harper Collins Publishers
    George tries to escape a host of problems aby going to Switzerland to help his friend Annie's father, Eric, run an experiment exploring the origins...
    78,43 zł
  • La intuición de la isla

    Zobacz w sklepie La intuición de la isla
    En La intuición de la isla. Los días de José Saramago en Lanzarote Pilar del Río construye un mosaico de momentos vividos, emociones compartidas...
    88,65 zł
  • Apocalyptic Imagination

    Zobacz w sklepie Apocalyptic Imagination
    William B Eerdmans Publishing Co
    One of the most widely praised studies of Jewish apocalyptic literature ever written, The Apocalyptic Imagination aby John J. Collins has served...
    153,78 zł
  • Tyndale house publishers, inc. My first hands-on bible

    Zobacz w sklepie Tyndale house publishers, inc. My first hands-on bible
    Tyndale House Publishers, Inc
    This Pretty Pink deluxe edition of My First Hands-On Bible is the preschooler version of the popular Hands-On Bible, which has sold nearly one...
    74,06 zł
  • Demagogue for President

    Zobacz w sklepie Demagogue for President
    Texas A & M University Press
    Historic levels of polarization, a disaffected and frustrated electorate, and widespread distrust of government, the news media, and traditional...
    101,96 zł
  • Rabbits Nap: 20th Anniversary Edition

    Zobacz w sklepie Rabbits Nap: 20th Anniversary Edition
    Welcome to Acorn Wood. Come and help Rabbit find a quiet place to sleep in this special 20th anniversary edition of preschool lift-the-flap favourite,...
    29,59 zł
  • The kingdom of italy: the history and legacy of the italian state from unification to the end of world war ii Independently published

    Zobacz w sklepie The kingdom of italy: the history and legacy of the italian state from unification to the end of world war ii Independently published
    Independently Published
    *Includes pictures*Includes contemporary accounts*Includes a bibliography for further reading"Few people in 1830 believed that an Italian nation...
    74,16 zł
  • The Farseer Trilogy 2. Royal Assassin

    Zobacz w sklepie The Farseer Trilogy 2. Royal Assassin
    The second volume in Robin Hobb's internationally bestselling Farseer Trilogy. Honesty is the bedrock for any relationship. But how can Fitz...
    44,49 zł
  • Yasmina khadra - khalil Pocket

    Zobacz w sklepie Yasmina khadra - khalil Pocket
    Le deuil sera planétaire, ils le savent. Ils l'espèrent. Ce 13 novembre 2015, ils sont quatre hommes tassés dans une voiture, en direction du...
    36,53 zł
  • Pharmakon - drugs and the imagination

    Zobacz w sklepie Pharmakon - drugs and the imagination
    Ranging across both published and anecdotal evidence, Pharmakon traces the story of drug use as a means of self-exploration. Żeby examining apparently...
    137,99 zł
  • First second George o'connor - hades

    Zobacz w sklepie First second George o'connor - hades
    First Second
    Volume 4 of the highly acclaimed Olympians series Hades: Lord of the Dead tells the story of the great God of the Underworld and one of the most...
    75,35 zł
  • 9788853605320 Abuelita anita y el pirata. poziom a1

    Zobacz w sklepie 9788853605320 Abuelita anita y el pirata. poziom a1
    Esta es una historia sobre Abuelita Anita y el pirata Barbalarga, muy triste porque no tiene sombrero, papagayo ni cofre del tesoro. Ahmed y...
    33,19 zł
  • Createspace independent publishing platform The cask of amontillado

    Zobacz w sklepie Createspace independent publishing platform The cask of amontillado
    Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
    One of Edgar Allan Poe's most well-known and famous stories, The Cask of Amontillado gives a powerful understanding of what made Poe such a great...
    35,04 zł
  • The penguin book of christmas stories

    Zobacz w sklepie The penguin book of christmas stories
    Truman Capote makes whisky-soaked fruitcake in Alabama; Laurie Lee slides across a frozen pond in Gloucestershire; and Shirley Jackson is outwitted...
    69,09 zł
  • Lonely planet kids my first lift-the-flap world atlas

    Zobacz w sklepie Lonely planet kids my first lift-the-flap world atlas
    Lonely Planet
    Welcome to the world! This beautifully illustrated atlas takes young readers on a hands-on tour of our incredible planet. With over 40 flaps...
    56,19 zł
  • 9781801081986 Disney pixar lightyear: 1001 stickers

    Zobacz w sklepie 9781801081986 Disney pixar lightyear: 1001 stickers
    Join Buzz Lightyear and his team on an incredible sticker and activity adventure through space! With 1001 stickers, including special foiled...
    39,99 zł
  • Heyne taschenbuch Neun tage unendlichkeit

    Zobacz w sklepie Heyne taschenbuch Neun tage unendlichkeit
    Heyne Taschenbuch
    Es dauerte nur wenige Sekunden: Als Anke Evertz vor ihrem Kamin plötzlich lichterloh in Flammen steht, da begreift sie seltsam gefasst: »Jetzt...
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  • Frühling der Revolution

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    DVA Dt.Verlags-Anstalt
    Das neue, epochale Werk von Bestsellerautor Christopher Clark: Der beliebte Historiker erklärt uns wie kein anderer, wie wir wurden, wer wir...
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  • Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies, 2nd Edition

    Zobacz w sklepie Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies, 2nd Edition
    John Wiley & Sons Inc
    Explore M&A, in simple terms Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies provides useful techniques and real-world advice for anyone involved with - or...
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  • Timm thaler oder das verkaufte lachen

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    Wenn Timm Thaler lacht, dann lachen alle laut mit. Deshalb möchte der geheimnisvolle und reiche Baron Lefuet Timm sein wundervolles Lachen abkaufen....
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  • Alicja w Krainie Czarów

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    Wydanie Alicji w Krainie Czarów kompletne bez skrótów i cięć w treści. W tym wydaniu wyszukasz odpowiedzi na pytania z podręcznika - „pewniak...
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  • Sap business one: business user guide

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    Calling all SAP Business One users! Your must-have handbook is here. Now updated for SAP Business One 10.0, this guide has the expertise you...
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  • Films of John Carpenter

    Zobacz w sklepie Films of John Carpenter
    McFarland & Company
    This analysis of John Carpenter's films includes a historical overview of his career, and in-depth entries on each of his films, from 1975's...
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  • Peter Rabbit- Peter's Secret Mission

    Zobacz w sklepie Peter Rabbit- Peter's Secret Mission
    Grumpy Old Brown has stolen Peter's journal, left to him aby his dad. Peter, Lily and Benjamin and their squirrel friends set off on a TOP SECRET...
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  • Baruch spinoza - ethics Hackett publishing co, inc

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    Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
    Since their publication in 1982, Samuel Shirley's translations of Spinoza's "Ethics" and "Selected Letters" have been commended for their accuracy...
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  • Feltrinelli traveller Novecento - un monologo

    Zobacz w sklepie Feltrinelli traveller Novecento - un monologo
    Feltrinelli Traveller
    Il "Virginian" era un piroscafo. Negli anni tra le due guerre faceva la spola tra Europa e America, con il suo carico di miliardari, di emigranti...
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  • Durch Musik zur Sprache

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    Books on Demand
    Das Buch beschreibt ein musiktherapeutisches Projekt zur Förderung der Sprachentwicklung von Kindern im Kindergartenalter. Durch eine Verbindung...
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  • Blue Chair Jam Cookbook

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    Andrews McMeel Publishing
    Rachel Saunders's The Blue Chair Jam Cookbook, now available in paperback, is the definitive jam and marmalade cookbook of the 21st century approaching...
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  • All verlag Torpedo gesamtausgabe 2

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    All Verlag
    Unser tägliches Blut gib uns heute!Die Gesamtausgabe der Abenteuer des hartgesottenen Killers Luca »Torpedo« Torelli geht in die zweite Runde....
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  • Fletcher Liars come here w. ukraińska

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    The champion of all detectives, Fletcher, who constantly hunts down bizarre criminals and always gets into various trouble, is back in action....
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  • Проспект Занимательная геометрия

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    "Занимательная геометрия" - один из самых интересных учебников, которые вам доводилось читать. Под пером Якова Исидоровича Перельмана сложные...
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  • 9789669826947 I'm going to look for it w. ukraińska

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    We are all connected. But often we do not guess about it. The founder of a charitable foundation, whose daughter is kidnapped, himself disappears...
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  • Kroniki dziwnych bestii Tajfuny

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    W Yong’anie bestie żyją obok ludzi. Fizycznie bywają niemal nie do odróżnienia: pociągające, melancholijne, czasem tragiczne, nierzadko bardziej...
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  • Passions of olympus. wersja ukraińska

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    Persephone grew up in the mortal world. After promising her mother Demeter to study like a sacred virgin, she finally finds herself on Olympus...
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  • If I Have To Be Haunted

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    HarperCollins Publishers
    Your first love will always haunt you... The most haunting, heartwarming debut of 2023. Perfect for fans of strong female leads and supernatural...
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  • Opętani przez duchy. Wersja francuska

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    Le livre de Wanda Pratnicka Possds par les esprits dcrit un probleme auquel est confronte de maniere inconsciente une grande partie de lhumanit,...
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  • France: A Short History

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    Thames & Hudson Ltd
    A concise history of France from prehistory to the present, recounting the great events and personalities and exploring France's cultural and...
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  • Psychodynamic Neurology

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    Apple Academic Press Inc
    Psychodynamic Neurology: Dreams, Consciousness, and Virtual Realty presents a novel way of thinking about the value of dreaming, based in solid...
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  • Parabola. Silver Surfer

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    Panini Comics
    Galactus si appresta a condurre alla morte il genere umano, che ora lo venera come un dio. Sul suo cammino c’è solo un ostacolo, colui che egli...
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  • Spotkania z fizyką NEON. Szkoła podstawowa klasa 7. Podręcznik. Nowa edycja 2023-2025

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    „Spotkania z fizyką" dla klasy 7 szkoły podstawowej to podręcznik przychylny w nauce, łagodnie i dostępnie wprowadzający zagadnienia fizyki....
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  • Springer-verlag berlin and heidelberg gmbh & co. kg Kommunikation im change

    Zobacz w sklepie Springer-verlag berlin and heidelberg gmbh & co. kg Kommunikation im change
    Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG
    Dieses Buch ist ein Leitfaden, wie die Kommunikation in einem Veränderungsprojekt strukturiert und geplant durchgeführt werden kann. Es weist...
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  • Idea and design works My little pony friends forever omnibus volume 1

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    Idea and Design Works
    Celebrates the magic of friendship in stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. In this bopok, you can share adventures with...
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  • Fawcett books Brotherhood of the rose

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    Fawcett Books
    "Riveting...Crackling...It really moves."WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLDThey were orphans, Chris and Saul--raised in a Philadelphia school for boys,...
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  • Toubkal. alto atlas. marruecos. escala 1:40.000 Editorial piolet

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    Mapa editado en waterproof (papel impermeable). La zona que abarca el mapa está situada en la su mayor parte dentro de los límites del Parque...
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  • Managing technical debt Pearson education

    Zobacz w sklepie Managing technical debt Pearson education
    Pearson Education
    "This is an incredibly wise and useful book. The authors have considerable real-world experience in delivering quality systems that matter, and...
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