Zdjęcia produktu

Raising good humans (New Harbinger Publications)

(2019 / 160 / miękka / 9781684033881)
Literatura obcojęzyczna New Harbinger Publications
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

63,17 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu Raising good humans

A kinder, more compassionate world starts with kind and compassionate kids. In Raising Good Humans, you'll find powerful and practical strategies to break free from "reactive parenting" habits and raise kind, cooperative, and confident kids.Whether you're running late for school, trying to get your child to eat their vegetables, or dealing with an epic meltdown in the checkout line at a grocery store-being a parent is hard work!

And, as parents, many of us react in times of stress without thinking-often aby yelling. But what if, instead of always reacting on autopilot, you could respond thoughtfully in those moments, keep your cool, and get from A to B on time and in one piece?With this book, you'll find powerful mindfulness skills for calming your own stress response when difficult emotions arise.

You'll also discover strategies for cultivating respectful communication, effective conflict resolution, and reflective listening. In the process, you'll learn to examine your own unhelpful patterns and ingrained reactions that reflect the generational habits shaped aby your parents, so you can break the cycle and respond to your children in more skillful ways.When children experience a parent reacting with kindness and patience, they learn to act with kindness as well-thereby altering generational patterns for a kinder, more compassionate future.

With this essential guide, you'll see how changing your own "autopilot reactions" can create a lasting positive impact, not just for your kids, but for generations to come.

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  • Raising Good Humans (sklep Libristo.pl)
    63,17 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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W naszym rankingu znajduje się 1 promocyjnych ofert w cenie 63,17 zł.

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