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New media in the marketing communication of enterprises in the international market (Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat)

(biznes i ekonomia / 2019 / 350 / Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN / Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat / 9788301206086)
E-booki Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat
Dostepność na dzień 05.02.2025: w magazynie

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Opis produktu New media in the marketing communication of enterprises...

Tytuł New media in the marketing communication of enterprises in the international market Autor Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat Język angielski Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN ISBN 978-83-01-20608-6 Rok wydania 2019 Warszawa Wydanie 1 ilość stron 350 Format mobi, epub Spis treści Introduction 9 1. Marketing communication in the light of Internet development – theoretical background 15 1.1. The communication process – the essence, elements and their meaning 17 1.2. The essence of marketing communication – a definitional approach 22 1.3. Types of marketing communication in a model approach 27 1.3.1. Characteristics of B2B and B2C markets in the aspect of marketing communication 27 1.3.2. Marketing communication models in B2B and B2C markets 31 1.4. Forms of marketing communication 37 1.4.1. Types and essence of forms of marketing communication 37 1.4.2. Forms of marketing communication in B2B and B2C markets 59 1.5. Computer-mediated communication theory in the context of selected communication theories 63 2. New media as the environment of marketing communication 69 2.1. World 3.0 in the context of Internet development 71 2.2. The nature and characteristics of new media 75 2.3. Social media as a type of new media 79 2.3.1. The essence and meaning of social media 79 2.3.2. The characteristics and functions of social media 82 2.3.3. Types of social media in the light of selected classifications 84 2.4. The possibilities of using new media in marketing communication – theoretical approach 90 2.4.1. Theoretical basis for the use of new technologies from the perspective of individual users – technology acceptance model 90 2.4.2. The use of new media in marketing strategies of enterprises – new marketing concepts 93 2.5. Possibilities of using new media in marketing communication of enterprises in B2B and B2C markets 101 3. Determinants of the use of new media in the processes of internationalization of enterprises 113 3.1. Classification of determinants of the use of new media in international marketing communication 115 3.2. Endogenous determinants 117 3.2.1. The degree of the internationalization of the company 117 3.2.2. The size of the company 125 3.2.3. The type of the products offered aby the company 129 3.3. Exogenous determinants 134 3.3.1. Economic factors 134 3.3.2. Technological factors 137 3.3.3. Demographic factors 142 3.3.4. Cultural factors 149 3.3.5. Political and legal factors 152 4. New media and the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing communication 155 4.1. The effects of marketing communication – an attempt of identification 157 4.2. Effects, efficiency and effectiveness of marketing communication in the dimension of the entire company’s operation – interpretive dilemmas 162 4.3. Measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing communication – methods and indicators 164 4.4. Effectiveness and efficiency of marketing communication in social media – measurement issues 170 5. New media in marketing communication and the effects of business activity in the international market – research assumptions 177 5.1. Research methodology 179 5.1.1. Research questions, main objective and specific objectives 179 5.1.2. The scope of research and research hypotheses 181 5.1.3. Research method and sampling 183 5.2. Determinants of the use of new media in marketing communication in the international market – a scheme of dependencies 187 5.3. Characteristics of the research sample 189 6. New media in marketing communication of the studied enterprises in B2B markets – results of empirical research 193 6.1. Types of new media in the communication of the studied enterprises with a foreign business partner 195 6.2. Determinants of using new media in communication with a foreign business partner aby the studied enterprises 200 6.3. Characteristics of new media and the scope of their use żeby the studied enterprises in communication with a foreign business partner 205 7. New media in marketing communication of studied enterprises in B2C markets – results of empirical research 213 7.1. New media in the communication of studied enterprises with foreign business partners 215 7.1.1. Types of new media 215 7.1.2. Exogenous and endogenous determinants in the use of new media 219 7.1.3. Characteristics of new media and the scope of their use 225 7.2. New media in the communication with a mass audience in international market 230 7.2.1. Types of new media 230 7.2.2. Exogenous and endogenous determinants 234 7.2.3. Characteristics of new media and the effects of their use 239 7.2.4. Relations between the use of new media in communication and endogenous and exogenous factors – a summary 246 8. The significance of new media in international communication – case studies 253 8.1. Kukliki Felt Design Studio 255 8.2. TOPMET Light 259 8.3. Beiersdorf Manufacturing Poznań Sp. Z o.o 263 8.4. LUG Light Factory Sp. Z o.o 266 8.5. Avella Sp. Z o.o 271 8.6. Advanced Graphene Products Sp. Z o.o 274 8.7. The significance of new media in international communication – summary of case studies 276 Conclusion 279 Bibliography 283 List of Figures 313 List of Tables 317 List of Pictures 321 Appendices 323

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    Małgorzata bartosik-purgat
  • Wydawnictwo

    Wydawnictwo naukowe pwn
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    Biznes i ekonomia
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