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Individual fertility choices in poland, 8144717AEB (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW)

(2009 / 213 / Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW / Monika Mynarska / 9788370726195)
E-booki Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW
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Opis produktu Individual fertility choices in poland, 8144717AEB

Tytuł Individual Fertility Choices in Poland Autor Monika Mynarska Język polski Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW ISBN 978-83-7072-619-5 Rok wydania 2009 Warszawa Wydanie 1 ilość stron 213 Format pdf Spis treści Acknowledgements 9 Chapter 1: Introduction 11 1.1. Background of the study and research aims 11 1.2. Outline of the book 16 Chapter 2: The Polish Case 19 2.1. Fertility patterns in Poland 20 2.1.1. Fertility 20 2.1.2. Nuptiality and childbearing 23 2.1.3. A note on migration 24 2.1.4. Summary 25 2.2. Context I: The ever-changing economic and institutional landscape 26 2.2.1. From a centrally planned to a free market economy 26 2.2.2. Unemployment 27 2.2.3. Material situation of Poles 29 2.2.4. Importance of human capital: Education 30 2.2.5. Women in the labour market 31 2.2.6. Provision of childcare 33 2.3. Context II: The cultural heritage 34 2.3.1. The Catholic Church 35 2.3.2. Strong family 35 2.3.3. Attitudes towards marriage and gender roles 36 2.3.4. Contraception and abortion 37 2.4. Summary 39 Chapter 3: Theoretical Approaches to Fertility Decline 41 3.1. Theories of low fertility 41 3.1.1. Demographic transitions and post-materialistic values theory 41 3.1.2. Gender Equity Theory 43 3.1.3. Globalisation and uncertainty theory 44 3.1.4. Going micro: combining sub-narratives 45 3.2. Individual behaviour: fertility choices 50 3.2.1. Microeconomic approach 50 3.2.2. Socio-psychological approach: Theory of Planned Behaviour 53 3.2.3. Socio-psychological approach: Traits-Desires-Intentions-Behaviour 56 3.3. Fertility choices in Poland: Individual perspectives 58 3.3.1. The model of individual behaviour: basic assumptions and definitions 60 3.3.2. Research questions 62 Chapter 4: Methodology of the Research: Qualitative Interviews 65 4.1. Rationale for the methodology 65 4.2. Sample selection and characteristics 66 4.3. Method 72 4.3.1. Problem-centred interviews 73 4.4. Qualitative data analysis 78 4.4.1. Open coding 79 4.4.2. Axial coding 80 4.4.3. Selective coding 82 4.5. A note on the presentation of the results 83 Chapter 5: Motivation to Parenthood 85 5.1. Positive attitudes: Expected values of children 85 5.2. Beliefs about parenthood and childlessness 88 5.2.1. Immediate benefits: A natural course of life events 88 5.2.2. Delayed benefits: Fear of getting old 90 5.2.3. Advantages of childlessness and competing goals 92 5.3. Desire to have children, gender difference, and biology 94 5.4. A child or children? 100 5.5. Summary: How is the motivation to have a child formed? 102 Chapter 6: Behavioural Control: Conditions for Parenthood 107 6.1. Actor-related behavioural control 107 6.1.1. Individual development 108 6.1.2. Relationship development: Marriage 109 6.1.3. Actor-related control: Summary 113 6.2. Situation-related behavioural control: Economic and institutional aspects 114 6.2.1. Education 115 6.2.2. The housing situation in Poland 116 6.2.3. Job and income 118 6.2.4. Contradictions in narrations: Is money crucial, and when? 120 6.2.5. Financial resources and the number of children 122 6.2.6. Costs of children: Investing money 123 6.2.7. Costs of children: Investing time 127 6.2.8. Job insecurity 129 6.2.9. (Un)Protected mothers 130 6.2.10. Professional career or earning money? 133 6.2.11. Childcare arrangements 136 6.2.12. Childcare: What about men? 139 6.2.13. Role of the state 141 6.2.14. Situation-related control: A summary 142 6.3. Summary: In what way does behavioural control influence fertility choices? 145 Chapter 7: Understanding a Couple’s Choice: Paths to Parenthood 149 7.1. Behavioural strategies (not) leading to pregnancy 149 7.2. Understanding transitions to parenthood 162 7.3. The process leading to fertility choices – a few general remarks 169 7.4. Summary: Understanding a couple’s choice 170 Chapter 8: Concluding Discussion: Old Values, New Context 173 8.1. Summary of the findings 173 8.2. Fertility choices: Anomie or adaptation? 178 References 185 Appendix I Information about the respondents 209 Appendix II Interview guideline 211

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    Monika mynarska
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    Wydawnictwo naukowe uksw
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