Literatura obcojęzyczna Birkhauser

60 produktów
  • Olgiati | Lecture

    Zobacz w sklepie Olgiati | Lecture
    Text and images complement each other to create a narrative thread that offers informative insights into the architect's intellectual and visual...
    95,89 zł
  • Birkhauser Passivhaus-bauteilkatalog: neubau / details for passive houses: new buildings

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Passivhaus-bauteilkatalog: neubau / details for passive houses: new buildings
    Als Sammlung ökologischer Bewertungen und bauphysikalischer Kennwerte ist der Bauteilkatalog ein Klassiker in jeder Konstruktionsbibliothek und...
    458,33 zł
  • Birkhauser Made in norway

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Made in norway
    Das Buch zeigt 40 neue Beispiele und gibt Einblick in die zugrundeliegenden Diskussionen zeitgenössischen Architektur Norwegens: Ob groß oder...
    103,30 zł
  • Designing Cities

    Zobacz w sklepie Designing Cities
    Urban Design: The Arrangement of Structures, Systems, Components, and Spaces Urban design is based on planning and design principles that need...
    235,49 zł
  • Synesthetic design Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Synesthetic design Birkhauser
    Synästhetisches Design bemüht sich um eine Produktentwicklung, die alle Sinne systematisch mit einbezieht. Die Fülle aktueller medizintechnischer...
    248,73 zł
  • Birkhauser Architektur - gezeichnet

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Architektur - gezeichnet
    Die zweidimensionale Zeichnung ist mit Grundriss, Aufriss und Schnitt die notwendige Grundlage für jedes Bauen. In Perspektiven gewinnen die...
    368,85 zł
  • Drama of space Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Drama of space Birkhauser
    The experience of architectural spaces is formed aby the way they are staged. The Drama of Space examines the composition and articulation of...
    329,21 zł
  • Scottish Book

    Zobacz w sklepie Scottish Book
    The second edition of this book updates and expands upon a historically important collection of mathematical problems first published in the...
    579,24 zł
  • Birkhauser Modern construction case studies

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Modern construction case studies
    In the context of tight budgets, complex geometries, high energy efficiency, and tight completion schedules, the requirements for technical details...
    184,37 zł
  • Birkhauser Josef hoffmann 1870-1956: progress through beauty

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Josef hoffmann 1870-1956: progress through beauty
    This book is the first comprehensive document to the complete works of Josef Hoffmann. As a student of Otto Wagner, a founding member of the...
    244,98 zł
  • Birkhauser Modern construction envelopes

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Modern construction envelopes
    Modern Construction Envelopes fasst die Gebäudeteile Fassade und Dach integrativ zusammen und ermöglicht so deren ganzheitliche Betrachtung als...
    205,33 zł
  • Be 2226 die temperatur der architektur / the temperature of architecture Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Be 2226 die temperatur der architektur / the temperature of architecture Birkhauser
    Haus 2226 erfuhr außergewöhnlich grosses mediales Echo. Der Grund dafür liegt in der raffinierten Planung des Bürobaus: es kommt gänzlich ohne...
    206,52 zł
  • Interior Gardens

    Zobacz w sklepie Interior Gardens
    Gardens inside buildings represent a sustainable vehicle for a host of ecological and economic advantages: factors such as improving the indoor...
    165,49 zł
  • Birkhauser Smart building design

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Smart building design
    How can smart technology open up new design opportunities - for the design, the execution, and the operation of buildings and for the digitalization...
    235,98 zł
  • Birkhauser Planning architecture

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Planning architecture
    Konsequent gibt Architektur planen dem Architekten und Studenten ein durchdachtes Planungsinstrument an die Hand, in dem sich zwei Hauptteile...
    329,21 zł
  • Spaces in Architecture

    Zobacz w sklepie Spaces in Architecture
    The design of a building is a complex process in which the architect develops spaces which are defined by a number of different parameters. The...
    158,96 zł
  • Constructing landscape Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Constructing landscape Birkhauser
    Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the...
    195,84 zł
  • Emergent Timber Technologies

    Zobacz w sklepie Emergent Timber Technologies
    The old material of wood has been used to construct dwellings of different types since the dawn of mankind. This book documentsthe various recentdevelopments...
    279,58 zł
  • Adaptive reuse Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Adaptive reuse Birkhauser
    Auf dem Hintergrund langjähriger Lehrerfahrung gibt dieses Buch eine umfassende Einführung ins architektonische Entwerfen von Umbau-/Umnutzungsprojekten....
    190,11 zł
  • Swiss Sensibility

    Zobacz w sklepie Swiss Sensibility
    Die Schweizer Pritzker-Preisträger Peter Zumthor und Herzog&deMeuron prägen die zeitgenössische Architektur weltweit. Das Buch dokumentiert 25...
    280,87 zł
  • Birkhauser Artificial intelligence and architecture

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Artificial intelligence and architecture
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has found its way into countless industries. In architecture, AI is still in its infancy, but recent years have...
    150,26 zł
  • Birkhauser Herzog & de meuron elbphilharmonie hamburg

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Herzog & de meuron elbphilharmonie hamburg
    Die Elbphilharmonie ist das neue Wahrzeichen von Hamburg und bereits jetzt eine Ikone der zeitgenössischen Architektur. In diesem Buch dokumentieren...
    142,95 zł
  • Universal singular Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Universal singular Birkhauser
    The way public spaces are designed reflects the period in which they were created. However, in our globalized world of experience and images...
    243,00 zł
  • Birkhauser Building better - less - different: circular construction and circular economy

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Building better - less - different: circular construction and circular economy
    Each volume of "Better - Less - Different Building" examines two fundamental areas of sustainable building. After an introductory overview, innovative...
    171,42 zł
  • Rudolf Olgiati

    Zobacz w sklepie Rudolf Olgiati
    Der Architekt Rudolf Olgiati ist durch die Verzahnung traditioneller Elemente mit der Architektur der Moderne Vorbild für zeitgenössische Architekten...
    368,85 zł
  • Birkhauser Building from waste

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Building from waste
    Aus Abfall als erneuerbarem Rohstoff produzierte Baumaterialien und ihre Anwendung in Architektur, Innenraumgestaltung und Produktdesign. Das...
    122,29 zł
  • Modern Construction Handbook

    Zobacz w sklepie Modern Construction Handbook
    Das Modern Construction Handbook wurde durch seine regelmäßigen Überarbeitungen zum Klassiker der avancierten Baukonstruktionsliteratur, nicht...
    227,58 zł
  • Mies van der rohe - the built work Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Mies van der rohe - the built work Birkhauser
    A new look at the architectural achievements of an icon
    248,54 zł
  • Aalto in Detail

    Zobacz w sklepie Aalto in Detail
    This carefully curated catalog celebrates the rich detail in the work of Aino, Elissa, and Alvar Aalto. Every support, railing, and handle is...
    115,17 zł
  • Wood and wood joints Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Wood and wood joints Birkhauser
    Wood and Wood Joints puts today's world in touch with the diverse know-how of Western and Eastern cultures about the creative use of this distinctive...
    259,61 zł
  • Atmospheres Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Atmospheres Birkhauser
    What "really constitutes an architectural atmosphere," Peter Zumthor says, is "this singular density and mood, this feeling of presence, well-being,...
    165,49 zł
  • Birkhauser Building physics of the envelope

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Building physics of the envelope
    The facade is the building's interface with its environment. It is here that building physics parameters such as heat, humidity, sound and light...
    142,16 zł
  • Roof construction manual Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Roof construction manual Birkhauser
    The "Roof Construction Manual" is a comprehensive reference work on the construction of pitched roofs, containing over 1800 plans and 220 photographs....
    444,58 zł
  • Nutrition in lifestyle medicine Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Nutrition in lifestyle medicine Birkhauser
    This newest addition to the Nutrition and Health series focuses on nutrition's key role in lifestyle interventions to prevent and manage diseases....
    496,39 zł
  • Constructing Landscape

    Zobacz w sklepie Constructing Landscape
    Constructing Landscape is a systematic introduction to technical and constructional open space planning, with all the relevant topics, from the...
    424,91 zł
  • Birkhauser From basel - herzog & de meuron

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser From basel - herzog & de meuron
    Die Tätigkeit von Herzog & de Meuron und die Biografien der beiden Gründer sind eng mit Basel verbunden. J. Herzog und P. De Meuron sind in Kleinbasel...
    205,13 zł
  • Birkhauser Cartilage regeneration

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Cartilage regeneration
    This book focuses on cartilage defects and new mesenchymal stem cell-based treatments for their repair and regeneration. Early chapters provide...
    505,09 zł
  • Why Do Architects Wear Black?

    Zobacz w sklepie Why Do Architects Wear Black?
    "Warum tragen Architekten eigentlich Schwarz?" Obwohl Cordula Rau Architektin ist und selbst schwarz trägt, wusste sie spontan keine Antwort....
    80,17 zł
  • Thinking architecture Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Thinking architecture Birkhauser
    Eine Architektur, die in einer sinnlichen Verbindung zum Leben stehen soll, erfordert ein Denken, das über Form und Konstruktion weit hinausgeht....
    168,75 zł
  • Atlas of digital architecture Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Atlas of digital architecture Birkhauser
    Digital media have become indispensable in design; the digitalization of architecture has led to a broadening of the profession and a significant...
    235,19 zł
  • River. Space. Design

    Zobacz w sklepie River. Space. Design
    Urban riverbanks are attractive locations and highly prized recreational environments. However, they must meet the requirements of flood control,...
    325,85 zł
  • Birkhauser Teaching graphic design

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Teaching graphic design
    How do I teach design? Why is listening so important? What can we learn from other disciplines and cultures and from each other? Answers to these...
    168,75 zł
  • Birkhauser Planning landscape

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Planning landscape
    Einzigartiges Planungstool für Landschaftsarchitekten§Bei der Ausformulierung eines Entwurfskonzeptes in eine realisierbare Planung wechseln...
    178,24 zł
  • Atmospheres Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Atmospheres Birkhauser
    In nine short, illustrated chapters framed as a process of self-observation, Peter Zumthor describes what he has on his mind as he sets about...
    168,75 zł
  • Mies van der rohe Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Mies van der rohe Birkhauser
    It is understood that Mies van der Rohe is one of the most important architects of the Modern movement. But how do Mies' ideas on architecture...
    158,96 zł
  • Modulor and Modulor 2

    Zobacz w sklepie Modulor and Modulor 2
    In the years 1942 to 1948, Le Corbusier developed a system of measurements which became known as "Modulor". Based on the Golden Section and Fibonacci...
    235,49 zł
  • Birkhauser Complex analysis problem book

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Complex analysis problem book
    This second edition presents a collection of exercises on the theory of analytic functions, including completed and detailed solutions. It introduces...
    364,80 zł
  • Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2007

    Zobacz w sklepie Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2007
    After eight years, the new volume on the complete works of Herzog & de Meuron is published covering the years 2005 to 2007. The book presents...
    567,97 zł
  • Myasthenia gravis and related disorders Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Myasthenia gravis and related disorders Birkhauser
    The third edition of this important, gold kanon title outlines a range of significant advances in the study and understanding of myasthenia gravis....
    485,42 zł
  • Birkhauser Architectural atmospheres

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Architectural atmospheres
    Das Erleben von Bauten und Raumkonstellationen ist auch ein Wahrnehmen von Atmosphären. Architekten, Planer, Investoren und Politiker sind darauf...
    123,87 zł
  • Walter gropius Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Walter gropius Birkhauser
    Walter Gropius (1883-1969) gehört als Begründer des Bauhauses zu den Ikonen der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Während die frühen Bauten in...
    279,58 zł
  • Drawing climate Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Drawing climate Birkhauser
    Ephemeral phenomena like fire, precipitation, shade, and wind have emerged as important contemporary protagonists for environmental design due...
    155,40 zł
  • Metamorphism Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Metamorphism Birkhauser
    Materiality has now become a key theme in the debate on architecture. Marble, brick, steel - the material conveys non-material ideas and, like...
    205,13 zł
  • Birkhauser Interiors construction manual

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Interiors construction manual
    Der Ausbau Atlas fasst alle wesentlichen Fakten zum Thema Ausbau zusammen und vermittelt die wichtigsten Grundlagen im Bereich Bauphysik, Brandschutz,...
    412,26 zł
  • Corbusier - oeuvre complete volume 6: 1952-1957 Birkhäuser

    Zobacz w sklepie Corbusier - oeuvre complete volume 6: 1952-1957 Birkhäuser
    This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century....
    412,26 zł
  • Basics architectural design Birkhauser

    Zobacz w sklepie Basics architectural design Birkhauser
    From idea to materiality: The basics of architectural design The fundamental idea is the starting point of every design. The idea is formulated...
    211,76 zł
  • Birkhauser Basics timber construction

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Basics timber construction
    Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used aby mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality....
    106,57 zł
  • Birkhauser Floor plan manual housing

    Zobacz w sklepie Birkhauser Floor plan manual housing
    For decades, the Floor Plan Manual - Housing has been one of the reference works in architecture. It documents and analyses 165 international...
    280,87 zł
  • 128 Colors

    Zobacz w sklepie 128 Colors
    Der Umgang mit Farbe ist ein komplexes Thema: von Normen, Moden und Trends beeinflusst, leiten wir unsere Vorstellungen und Konzepte von Farbtheorien,...
    169,74 zł
  • Corbusier - l'unite d habitation de marseille / the unite d habitation in marseilles Birkhäuser

    Zobacz w sklepie Corbusier - l'unite d habitation de marseille / the unite d habitation in marseilles Birkhäuser
    The Unite in Marseille was a pioneering acievement at a time when social housing in the post WWII years posed an immense problem. Freed from...
    152,14 zł