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The bluegrass banjo chord bible: open g (LIGHTNING SOURCE UK LTD)

(2016 / 112 / miękka / 9781906207380)
Literatura obcojęzyczna LIGHTNING SOURCE UK LTD
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

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117,54 zł
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Opis produktu The bluegrass banjo chord bible: open g

The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible, with its 2,160 chords offers a complete solution for both beginner and experienced professional musician alike. The layout is uncomplicated and follows a logical musical progression from kanon major chords up to the more esoteric thirteenths used żeby many jazz players. To accompany the 1,728 chords, a further 720 possible moveable chord configurations are included, together with a useful range of slash chords, reflecting the popularity of this type of chord in many of today's artist and compilation topline songbooks. This highly comprehensive guide provides the musician with no fewer than 68 different types of chord in all twelve keys, making it the definitive publication for the bluegrass banjo. Whether you play folk, rock, pop, jazz or any other type of popular music, The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible makes the ideal reference source for all occasions. Standard Chords covered in The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible (using the key of C as an example): C, Cm, C7, Cm7, C5, C6, Cm6, Cmaj7, Cdim, Cdim7, C-5, C+, Csus2, Csus4, C7sus4, Cm7-5, Cadd9, Cmadd9, C6add9, Cm6add9, C7-5, C7+5, C7-9, C7+9, Cm(maj7), Cmaj7-5, Cmaj7+5, C9, Cm9, Cmaj9, C11, C13. Advanced Chords covered in The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible (using the key of C as an example): C4, Cadd11, Csus4add9, Cm-6, C7sus2, C7-5-9, C7-5+9, C7+5-9, C7+5+9, C7add11, C7add13, C7+11, Cm7-5-9, Cm7-9, Cm7add11, Cmaj7+11, C9sus4, C9-5, C9+5, C9+11, Cm9-5, Cm(maj9), Cmaj9-5, Cmaj9+5, Cmaj9+11, Cmaj9add6, C11-9, Cm11, Cmaj11, C13sus4, C13-5-9, C13-9, C13+9, C13+11, Cm13, Cmaj13. Major Slash Chords covered in The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible (using the key of C as an example): C/C, C/Db, C/D, C/Eb, C/E, C/F, C/F#, C/G, C/Ab, C/A, C/Bb, C/B. Beside the many pages of chord boxes or windows, the book features useful sections on tuning, chord construction, fingerboard layout, FAQs, alternative chord naming, fingering, slash chords, harmonic intervals, chord window blanks for transcribing your own favorite chord sequences etc. The aim of this guide is to provide the musician with the flexibility only really offered to guitar and keyboard players in the past. Now, with the help of The The Bluegrass Banjo Chord Bible, musicians will be able to pick up any songbook and instantly have access to even the most complex and advanced chords.

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