Zdjęcia produktu

Star wars: darth vader: dark lord of the sith vol. 3 - the burning seas (Marvel Comics)

(2018 / 136 / miękka / 9781302910563)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Marvel Comics
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

68,89 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu Star wars: darth vader: dark lord of the sith vol....

As the Empire's grip tightens on the galaxy, the stirrings of a rebellion begin in the Mon Cala system. The fearsome Darth Vader knows that order must be maintained at all costs - and this time the job of snuffing out hope falls to Vader, his inquisitors...and Wilhuff Tarkin! To bring Mon Cala to heel means fi nding the surviving Jedi that foment this unrest. No tolerance for rebellion can be aff orded...but how far will Vader go to complete his mission? The Dark Lord of the Sith goes in for some wet work in this brutal story! COLLECTING: DARTH VADER 13-18

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Ranking ofert - najlepsze promocyjne ceny 2017

  • Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord Of The Sith Vol. 3 - The Burning Seas (sklep Libristo.pl)
    68,89 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
    Przejdź do sklepu

W naszym rankingu znajduje się 1 promocyjnych ofert w cenie 68,89 zł.

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