Produkty powiązane
New in chess 100 endspiele, die sie kennen müssen
Zobacz w sklepieNew in ChessDie gute Nachricht in Bezug auf Schachendspiele ist, dass Sie nur relativ wenige Endspiele wirklich auswendig kennen müssen. Und noch dazu: Wenn...78,23 zł -
New in chess Endgame strategy
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSIn this widely acclaimed chess classic, Russian trainer Mikhail Shereshevsky explains how to master the most important endgame principles. Where...118,64 zł -
New in chess Winning ugly in chess
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSWhen was the last time you won a perfect game? A game that wasn't tainted aby inferior moves? Every chess player knows that smooth wins are the...107,52 zł -
New in chess Modern guide to checkmating patterns
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSGiving mate is the ultimate goal of every chess player. Finding that all-decisive combination is immensely satisfying. But how are you supposed...84,58 zł -
New in chess Spassky's best games: a chess biography
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSThe Russian Boris Spassky was the perfect gentleman. He was a chess genius who became World Champion in 1969. But he was also gracious in defeat...116,35 zł -
Chess for hawks New in chess
Zobacz w sklepieNew in ChessAre you a dove or a hawk? Is your natural instinct at the chessboard for caution and strategy or do you crave adventure and confrontation? This...84,58 zł -
Keep It Simple 1.d4
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSAfter the success of his award-winning book 'Keep it Simple 1.e4' International Master Christof Sielecki is back. His new repertoire based on...100,57 zł -
New in chess Winning in the chess opening: 700 ways to ambush your opponent
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSEvery chess player loves to win early in the opening. However you should never lose sight of the most important objective of your opening play:...84,58 zł -
New in chess The match of all time
Zobacz w sklepieNEW IN CHESSWhen the Icelandic Chess Federation made a bid to host the 1972 world title match between Soviet icon Boris Spassky and American challenger Bobby...84,58 zł
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