Zdjęcia produktu

Pyrography basics (Design Originals)

(2014 / 32 / miękka / 9781574215052)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Design Originals
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

37,22 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Opis produktu Pyrography basics

Artist and pyrographer Lora S. Irish walks you through all the basics of woodburning. You can learn about using temperature, time, layering and texturing to create artistic tonal values. Nationally recognized artist and pyrographer Lora S. Irish makes it easy for beginners to learn the creative craft of woodburning in Pyrography Basics. All that aspiring beginners need is this book and an inexpensive woodburning tool to start adorning wood, gourds, leather, paper and more with beautifully burned images and patterns. The author provides a thorough introduction to basic tools, materials and techniques. Readers learn how to set up a practice board to experiment with strokes and settings before moving on to working projects with confidence. Seven skill-building projects provide step-by-step exercises in using temperature, time, layering, and texturing to create artistic tonal values.

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  • Pyrography Basics (sklep Libristo.pl)
    37,22 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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