Zdjęcia produktu

How to Become a Video Game Artist (Watson-Guptill Publications)

(2013 / 160 / miękka / 9780823008094)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Watson-Guptill Publications
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

75,03 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu How to Become a Video Game Artist

Starting with the basics of game creation and the artistic skills necessary to get started, this book provides the inside track on how to forge a career in the world of video game art. Included are detailed breakdowns of the training and portfolio samples you'll need to make these jobs your own. It features interviews with video game art professionals who've worked for top gaming companies. In How to Become a Video Game Artist, veteran video game designer Sam R. Kennedy provides the inside track on everything you need to forge a career in the world of video game art. Starting with the basics of game creation and a look at the artistic skills necessary to get started, Kennedy spotlights specific, key roles for creators - from concept artists to character animators to marketing artists and beyond. Each chapter features screenshots from popular video games like Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and World of Warcraft; interviews with video game art professionals who've worked for top gaming companies like BioWare, Blizzard, and Ubisoft; step-by-step examples of actual game art; and detailed breakdowns of the training and portfolio samples you'll need to make these jobs your own.

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  • How to Become a Video Game Artist (sklep Libristo.pl)
    75,03 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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