Zdjęcia produktu

Simon & schuster Building strong brands (Simon & Schuster)

(2010 / 400 / miękka / 9781849830409)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Simon & Schuster
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

44,37 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu Simon & schuster Building strong brands

As industries turn increasingly hostile, it is clear that strong brand-building skills are needed to survive and prosper. In David Aaker's pathbreaking book, MANAGING BRAND EQUITY, managers discovered the value of a brand as a strategic asset and a company's primary source of competitive advantage.

Now, in this compelling new work, Aaker uses real brand-building cases from Saturn, General Electric, Kodak, Healthy Choice, McDonald's, and others to demonstrate how strong brands have been created and managed.

A common pitfall of brand strategists is to focus on brand attributes. Aaker shows how to break out of the box aby considering emotional and self-expressive benefits and by introducing the brand-as-person, brand-as-organisation, and brand-as-symbol perspectives.

A second pitfall is to ignore the fact that individual brands are part of a larger system consisting of many intertwined and overlapping brands and subbrands. Aaker shows how to manage the "brand system" to achieve clarity and synergy, to adapt to a changing environment, and to leverage brand assets into new markets and products.As executives in a wide range of industries seek to prevent their products and services from becoming commodities, they are recommitting themselves to brands as a foundation of business strategy.

This new work will be essential reading for the battle-ready.

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  • Building Strong Brands (sklep Libristo.pl)
    44,37 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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