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In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in Life and Business (Basic Books)

(2018 / 272 / twarda / 9780465096299)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Basic Books
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

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88,65 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in...

An eminent psychologist explains why dissent should be cherished, not feared We've decided aby consensus that consensus is good. In In Defense of Troublemakers, psychologist Charlan Nemeth argues that this principle is completely wrong: left unchallenged, the majority opinion is often biased, unoriginal, or false. It leads planes and markets to crash, causes juries to convict innocent people, and can quite literally make people think blue is green. In the name of comity, we embrace stupidity. We can make better decisions aby embracing dissent. Dissent forces us to question the status quo, consider more information, and engage in creative decision-making. From Twelve Angry Men to Edward Snowden, lone objectors who make people question their assumptions bring groups far closer to truth--regardless of whether they are right or wrong. Essential reading for anyone who works in groups, In Defense of Troublemakers will radically change the way you think, listen, and make decisions.

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  • In Defense of Troublemakers: The Power of Dissent in Life and Business (sklep Libristo.pl)
    88,65 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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