Zdjęcia produktu

LinkedIn For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons Inc)

(2021 / 384 / miękka / 9781119695332)
Literatura obcojęzyczna John Wiley & Sons Inc
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

92,42 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu LinkedIn For Dummies

Brand yourself like a pro on LinkedIn LinkedIn multiplies what you know aby the power of who you know to deliver the number one social platform for business professionals and new job seekers. LinkedIn For Dummies shows LinkedIn newcomers the best ways to discover new opportunities, enhance their personal brand, network with other professionals, and give an exponential boost to their career.

Consider this book a passport to help you connect more successfully with many of LinkedIn's 660+ million members in over 200 countries, as well as an expert guide to the platform's tools and features and the proven tactics that get you noticed.

In this friendly, all-access introduction to the LinkedIn scene, entrepreneurship guru Joel Elad clues you in on the essentials. Get the latest insight on how to create an attractive profile that will make employers give you a second glance as well as techniques for making useful connections across the globe.

In no time at all you'll also be right at home with the profile user interface and getting busy with adding content, searching for career opportunities, and, if you're looking to hire for your company, recruiting top candidates.

* Build your personal brand and market it * Sell yourself aby highlighting skills, awards, and endorsements * Get connected with LinkedIn groups * Manage and make introductions via InMail Relationships matter: LinkedIn For Dummies gives you the online social skills to turn six degrees of separation into the colleagues, mentors, and friends who will transform your career--and your life.

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W naszym rankingu znajduje się 1 promocyjnych ofert w cenie 92,42 zł.

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