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Drafting international agreements in legal english (Beck C. H.)

(2022 / 200 / miękka / 9783406778186)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Beck C. H.
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

132,27 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Opis produktu Drafting international agreements in legal english

The bookA plain English style of writing is simply well-written English. Though this guide focuses on the business and commercial usage, the writer of legal documentation should always remember that written communication in English is read in the international business environment of today mostly żeby persons who are often non-native English speakers and may not have a formal legal education. This is particularly true today because of the international cooperation in business and the increasing use of English in most international documentation and negotiations.As doing business in Asia particularly China has grown in importance. For this purpose the author included information about the hybrid system of Chinese contract law, especially as China has enacted a new civil law code including a contract law chapter as of January 2021.ContentsLegal Writing StepsPrinciples of Legal WritingStandard Legal Writing FormatNew in the 3rd editionExtensive revision with a new conceptComparison of common and civil lawIntroduction to Chinese Contract LawThe target groupThis book is providing practical assistance to both native and non-native English speakers who work in an international business and multilingual environment and are required to work with commercial documentation most notably agreements in English

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