Zdjęcia produktu

250 Cases in Clinical Medicine (Elsevier)

(2023 / 908 / miękka / 9780323937863)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Elsevier
Dostepność na dzień 18.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

213,75 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Prezentowana oferta sklepu Libristo.pl jest najbardziej atrakcyjna cenowo spośród setek sklepów internetowych w naszej bazie. Przeglądaj pełny ranking cen i ofert Porównanie cen następuje w czasie rzeczywistym.

Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu 250 Cases in Clinical Medicine

This unique book presents a wealth of information on common presentations and illnesses, presented as medical case studies. It is useful for exam preparation, as a quick reference guide for working doctors, and as an interesting read for all those interested in medicine. 250 Clinical Cases covers a wide variety of conditions, providing in-depth insights into the most relevant topics, classified aby system. Cases are accompanied żeby common viva voce examination questions as well as more advanced level questions that will help the reader develop a deeper understanding. Now in its sixth edition, the book has been fully updated to reflect current evidence and relevance for working doctors. It will help everyone, from medical students to consultants, to find the hidden clinical gems and historical background they need to achieve true clinical excellence.

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Ranking ofert - najlepsze promocyjne ceny 2017

  • 250 Cases in Clinical Medicine (sklep Libristo.pl)
    213,75 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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W naszym rankingu znajduje się 1 promocyjnych ofert w cenie 213,75 zł.

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