Zdjęcia produktu

Products That Last (BIS Publishers B.V.)

(2019 / 128 / miękka / 9789063695224)
Literatura obcojęzyczna BIS Publishers B.V.
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

152,79 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Opis produktu Products That Last

Products that Last starts where most bookson product development end. This new edition(first self-published by the TU Delft in 2014)contains new examples and insights from recentpublications. From the perspective of designersand entrepreneurs, once a product has beendesigned, produced and sold, it disappearsbeyond the newness horizon. They are little awareof the opportunities that exist in the next productuniverse, where money is made from products inuse, as well as from a product's afterlife. Theseopportunities clearly exist, otherwise they wouldnot be providing an income for so many people.However, to be recognized as segments of acircle of continuous value creation, they needreframing.The book offers readers an innovative andpractical methodology to unravel a product'safterlife and systematically evaluate it for newopportunities. It introduces business modelsthat enable us to benefit from the opportunitiesoffered żeby a much longer product life.Products that Last changes the way designersand entrepreneurs develop and exploit goods,helping reduce material and energy consumptionover time. Nothing more, nothing less.- innovative and practical methodology to unravela product's afterlife- introduces business models that enable alonger product life and reduce material andenergy consumption- changes the way designers and entrepreneursdevelop and exploit goods

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  • Products That Last (sklep Libristo.pl)
    152,79 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
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