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The anatomy of intercultural encounters. a sociolinguistic cross-cultural study Uniwersytet śląski (Uniwersytet Śląski)

(2017 / 250 / Uniwersytet Śląski / Grażyna Kiliańska-Przybyło / 9788322630174)
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Opis produktu The anatomy of intercultural encounters. a sociolinguistic...

Tytuł The Anatomy of Intercultural Encounters. A Sociolinguistic Cross-Cultural Study Autor Grażyna Kiliańska-Przybyło Język angielski Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Śląski ISBN 978-83-226-3017-4 Rok wydania 2017 Katowice Wydanie 1 liczba stron 250 Format pdf Spis treści Contents

Acknowledgments / 9
Introduction / 11

Chapter 1: Intercultural encounters / 17
1.1 Intercultural encounters – Facts / 17
1.2 Intercultural encounters as awareness-raising situations / 21
1.3 Intercultural encounters as interaction, mediation, and negotiation / 22
1.3.1 Intercultural encounters as mediation / 25
1.3.2 Intercultural encounters as negotiation / 26
1.4 Intercultural encounters – The linguistic dimension / 27
1.4.1 Intercultural encounters as language-in-action situations / 28
1.4.2 Intercultural encounters as culture bumps – Cross-cultural pragmatics / 30
1.5 Intercultural encounters as problem-solving tasks / 33
1.6 Intercultural encounters as emotion-generation situations / 34
1.6.1 Empathy / 37
1.6.2 Perspective-taking and sense-making / 38
1.6.3 Identity and self-construals / 39
1.6.4 Communication apprehension / 40
1.6.5 Willingness to communicate / 41
1.6.6 Self-disclosure / 42
1.6.7 Cultural differences in self-disclosure / 43
1.6.8 Stereotypes / 44
1.6.9 Culture shock / 45
1.7 The intercultural continuum / 46
1.7.1 Interculture, interlanguage / 47
1.7.2 Cultural intelligence / 48
1.7.3 Intercultural competence / 49
1.7.4 Intercultural sensitivity and other conditions for intercultural learning / 52
1.7.5 Learning – unlearning – relearning / 53
1.8 Obstacles to intercultural communication / 54
1.9 Intercultural encounter as a trigger for reflection / 56
1.9.1 Intercultural encounter as an example of experiential learning / 57
1.9.2 Intercultural encounter as a part of a sociocultural cykl / 57
1.10 Research on intercultural competence / 58
1.10.1 Projects on intercultural competence and training – An overview / 58
1.10.2 Ways of studying intercultural competence / 59

Chapter 2: Narrative inquiry – Background / 61
2.1 Homo narrans and narrative intelligence / 62
2.2 Narrative’s moments – A record of one’s own experience (individual’s perspective) / 64
2.3 Tell me your story – Approaches to narrative analysis (researcher’s perspective) / 67
2.3.1 Narrative inquiry: The elements of a good story / 70
2.3.2 Cultural aspects in the narrative analysis / 72
2.4 Narrative and intercultural learning – The critical incident theory / 73
2.4.1 What is critical about critical incidents? / 74
2.4.2 Critical incidents and intercultural communication / 76

Chapter 3: The scheme of the research study / 81
3.1 Research objectives / 81
3.2 The subjects / 83
3.2.1 Poland and Turkey – Rationale for choosing the research partners / 86
3.3 Research tools and procedures / 88
3.3.1 Discussion-generating tasks / 88
3.3.2 The questionnaire for students / 89
3.3.3 Intercultural Sensitivity Scale / 90
3.3.4 Written narrative task: Narrative about intercultural encounters / 92
3.4 Narratives – Analysis and evaluation procedures / 93
3.4.1 Content analysis / 93
3.4.2 Statistical analysis: LIWC software – Brief characteristics / 93
3.5 Stages of the research project / 98
3.6 Data evaluation procedures / 101

Chapter 4: Narratives – Data presentation and analysis / 103
4.1. Statistical analysis of the narratives – General characteristics / 103
4.2 Content analysis of the encounters / 109
4.2.1 Topical analysis – Background about the nature of the encounters / 109
4.2.2 Intercultural encounter as an experience raising students’ language awareness / 114
4.2.3 Intercultural encounter as an opportunity to communicate / 118
4.2.4 Intercultural encounter as a lesson in culture / 123
4.2.5 Affectivity in intercultural encounters / 124
4.3 From "Haha" to "aha" – Intercultural encounters as an incentive to reflect, restructure, and learn from the experience / 126
4.3.1 Knowledge extension / 126
4.3.2 Self-knowledge / 128
4.3.3 Redefinition and modification of stereotypes / 129
4.3.4 Change of attitudes / 131
4.4 Intercultural encounters – Reflection for action – Teacher’s perspective / 133
4.5 Structural analysis / 137

Chapter 5: Questionnaires and scales – Data presentation and analysis / 139
5.1 Questionnaire – Background (biographical) information / 139
5.2 Intercultural profile – Data analysis / 147
5.3 The analysis of Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory (CCAI) / 163
5.3.1 Emotional Resilience / 163
5.3.2 Flexibility and Openness / 165
5.3.3 Perceptual Acuity / 167
5.3.4 Personal Autonomy / 169

Chapter 6: Conclusions / 173
6.1 Answers to the research objectives / 173
6.1.1 Differences between the groups of Polish P1, Polish P2, and the Turkish subjects / 173
6.1.2 The students’ perception and self-assessment of the sociocultural competence / 177
6.1.3 Culturally determined aspects of language use / 178
6.1.4 Communication and miscommunication / 179
6.1.5 Cultural sensitivity and cultural knowledge / 179
6.1.6 Intercultural encounters and affect / 180
6.1.7 Narrativisation and reflection / 183
6.1.8 Perspective-taking / 184
6.1.9 The students’ intercultural experiences and adaptability / 186
6.1.10 Learning outcomes: Me as a FL teacher vs. Me as a language learner / 187
6.2 Evaluation of the research project / 192
6.3 Implications for further research / 193

Appendix / 197
1. Research scenario for intercultural encounters / 197
2. Iceberg Theory of Culture (supplementary materials implemented during the research – Theoretical training, Step 1) / 199
2a. The Iceberg Theory of Culture – Modified version – Theoretical training, Step 1) / 200
3. The Form technique (Supplementary materials implemented during the research – Theoretical training) / 201
4. Culture Quiz / 202
5. Questionnaire: Intercultural Encounters (Supplementary materials implemented during the research – Data collection procedure, Step 2) / 203
6. Narrative task (Supplementary materials implemented during the research – Data collection procedure, Step 3) / 207
7. LIWC2007 Output Variable Information – detailed data presentation: Polish P1 group, Polish P2 group, Turkish group / 208

Bibliography / 213
Streszczenie / 241
Zusammenfassung / 243

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    Uniwersytet Śląski
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  • Autor

    Grażyna kiliańska-przybyło
  • Wydawnictwo

    Uniwersytet śląski
  • Ilość stron

  • Rok wydania

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  • Opinia użytkowników


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