Literatura obcojęzyczna
309924 produktyPopularne w ostatnim czasie:
Mushroom book to collect: Collect mushrooms and never forget the best routes again
Zobacz w sklepieIndependently PublishedCollecting mushrooms can be done all year round. Every nature lover knows that And with this diary it is now even possible to record the most...32,81 zł -
Plastyka do dzieła! podręcznik dla klasy 6 szkoły podstawowej edycja 2022-2024 63922 Nowa era
Zobacz w sklepieNowa EraNowa edycja 2022–2024Zachęca do najróżniejszych aktywności plastycznych przez interesujące, kreatywne ćwiczenia.upraszcza przyswajanie wiedzy...25,40 zł -
American herbal products association's botanical safety handbook Taylor & francis inc
Zobacz w sklepieTaylor & Francis Inc827,69 zł -
Edises Medicina generale e cure primarie. guida teorico-pratica per mmg
Zobacz w sklepieEdises478,99 zł -
Magnet 2 Książka ćwiczeń
Zobacz w sklepieLektorKlettMAGNET to linia czterech progresywnych podręczników napisanych zgodnie z wytycznymi nowej podstawy programowej: uczeń rozpoczynający naukę języka...38,15 zł -
Kristine barnett - spark Penguin books
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin Books"The Spark describes in glowing terms the profound intensity with which a mother can love her child". (Andrew Solomon, author of Far from the...74,04 zł -
Cambridge university press Prepare level 2 teacher's book with digital pack
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University Press'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First...167,86 zł -
Prepare Level 7 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University Press'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First...883,25 zł -
Fine dei giochi. Luci e ombre sulla mia famiglia
Zobacz w sklepiePiemme«È venuto il momento di condividere la mie parole non più soltanto con te, caro papà. C'è molto da dire. La mia verità, la tua verità, la nostra...88,47 zł -
Batman and robin by peter j. tomasi and patrick gleason book one D c comics
Zobacz w sklepieD C COMICS131,78 zł -
Essential statistics for data science: a concise crash course Oxford university press
Zobacz w sklepieOxford University Press140,48 zł -
Rendering Life Molecular. Models, Modelers, and Excitable Matter
Zobacz w sklepie9780822358787Natasha Myers shows in this ethnography how scientists who build three-dimensional models of proteins use their senses and bodies to create,...151,99 zł -
9783551651495 School of talents 4: vierte stunde: schulfest im schneckentempo
Zobacz w sklepie9783551651495Willkommen in der SCHOOL OF TALENTS! In diesem Internat haben alle fantastische Fähigkeiten. Sie können sich verwandeln, Tiere verstehen, Wasser...44,14 zł -
Idealny przepis na urodziny / Ідеальний рецепт до дня народження
Zobacz w sklepie9789664481172Святкування дня народження влітку може видатися самотнім, але не тоді, коли у вас є такі чудові друзі, як у Бобра! Цьогоріч Черепаха, Пташка,...54,49 zł -
A jeśli jesteśmy złoczyńcami Edycja limitowana. Wersja ukraińska/ Ніби ми злодії Limited edition
Zobacz w sklepie9786175231388wytworny college artystyczny, kolebka efektownych talentów i nieposkromionych ambicji. Siedmioro studentów aktorstwa, połączonych silną więzią...102,00 zł -
Комильфо Благословение небожителей. Том 6 (мягкий переплет)
Zobacz w sklepieКомильфоСКАЗАТЬ ПО ПРАВДЕ, В ЭТОМ МИРЕ НЕТ БОГОВ.Две тысячи лет небесные чертоги стояли незыблемо, но любое пиршество рано или поздно кончается. Когда...66,72 zł -
Creative haven great gatsby fashions coloring book Dover publications inc
Zobacz w sklepieDover Publications IncTravel back to the Jazz Age with glitzy and glamorous fashions inspired by one of the most beloved American novels of all time. Discover what...24,41 zł -
Createspace independent publishing platform Industry of lies: media, academia, and the israeli-arab conflict
Zobacz w sklepieCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform130,79 zł -
Third millennium thinking: creating sense in a world of nonsense Little brown & co
Zobacz w sklepieLITTLE BROWN & CO108,25 zł -
Ultra-processed people - the science behind the food that isn't food W w norton & co
Zobacz w sklepieW W NORTON & CO108,25 zł -
The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood's Industry of Death
Zobacz w sklepieBOMBARDIER BOOKS100,14 zł -
Complete Guide to Memory
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksA RENOWNED BRAIN EXPERT SHARES THE SIMPLE TRICKS THAT WILL FUTURE-PROOF YOUR MEMORYMemory gets worse with age - right? A fact of life. But what...51,30 zł -
New primary eal: english for ages 6-11 - workbook 1 (new to english) Coordination group publications ltd (cgp)
Zobacz w sklepieCoordination Group Publications Ltd (CGP)36,37 zł -
Gothic classics: the castle of otranto and the old english baron Sourcebooks, inc
Zobacz w sklepieSourcebooks, Inc56,44 zł -
Apa publications Berlitz pocket guide naples, capri & the amalfi coast (travel guide)
Zobacz w sklepieAPA Publications28,76 zł -
Penguin books Fancy bear goes phishing
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksHacking, espionage, war and cybercrime as you've never read about them before Fancy Bear was hungry. Looking for embarrassing information about...39,44 zł -
Nasza księgarnia Kubuś puchatek wyd. 2022
Zobacz w sklepieNasza KsięgarniaWzruszające, pełne liryzmu przygody Krzysia i jego przyjaciół w Stumilowym Lesie. Obdarzone ludzkimi cechami charakteru zwierzątka śmieszą i...24,61 zł -
Wonder woman by brian azzarello & cliff chiang omnibus (new edition) D c comics
Zobacz w sklepieD C COMICS478,79 zł -
How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It
Zobacz w sklepie9781785043802I know of no one better qualified to understand what young people are facing today - Philippa Perry There are epidemic rates of ADHD, depression,...42,29 zł -
Como agua para chocolate Suma
Zobacz w sklepieSumaComo agua para chocolateLaura Esquivel 25 ANIVERSARIO DEL BEST SELLER QUE ENCANDILO AL MUNDO.UNA NOVELA QUE SABE A CLASICONo siempre tenemos...79,28 zł -
Langenscheidt Genial 1 (a1) podręcznik
Zobacz w sklepieLangenscheidtPodręcznik posiada: 15 rozdziałów, rozmieszczonych na 6 stronach każdy, w tym 3 rozdziały powtórzeniowe, niebanalną tematykę, ciekawe teksty,...18,77 zł -
Wanderbuch wilder kaiser Tyrolia
Zobacz w sklepieTyroliaDas Kaisergebirge - weit über Tirol hinaus bekannt als Wander- und Urlaubsparadies! Wilde, schroffe Felsgestalten und steil abfallende Wände...59,61 zł -
Statystyka w zarządzaniu Wydawnictwo naukowe pwn
Zobacz w sklepieWydawnictwo Naukowe PWNJeden z najlepszych podręczników do nauczania statystyki na wydziałach zarządzania i ekonomii. Nowe wydanie, podobnie jak poprzednie, zachowuje...145,22 zł -
To Bind a Dark Heart: A steamy enemies to lovers fantasy romance
Zobacz w sklepieLIGHTNING SOURCE INC54,07 zł -
9780008653309 The joy of wintering. how to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate with creativity and conscious living
Zobacz w sklepie9780008653309How to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate through practical lessons, creativity and conscious living. The Joy of Wintering celebrates the ways in...52,39 zł -
Createspace independent publishing platform How to become an expert software engineer (and get any job you want)
Zobacz w sklepieCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform57,23 zł -
Daisy Jones i "szóstka". Wersja ukraińska/ Дейзі Джонс і The Six
Zobacz w sklepie9786175231074'Daisy Jones & The Six' to znakomita lektura dla wszelkich sympatyków klimatu lat 70. I dobrej muzyki. W swojej powieści Taylor Jenkins Reis...65,99 zł -
Dictionary of journalism Oxford university press
Zobacz w sklepieOxford University PressThis dictionary includes over 1,400 entries covering terminology related to the practice, business, and technology of journalism, as well as...89,76 zł -
The mahatma letters to a. p. sinnett from the mahatmas m. & k. h Legare street pr
Zobacz w sklepieLEGARE STREET PR101,52 zł -
Kid's Box Level 3 Teacher's Book British English
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University PressAn update of the well-loved course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests115,07 zł -
Express train to trouble: a miss mallard mystery Aladdin
Zobacz w sklepieALADDINWorld-famous duck-tective Miss Mallard works to solve the case of a missing prankster in this engaging Aladdin QUIX mystery. Miss Mallard sets...24,41 zł -
Jessi's secret language: a graphic novel (the baby-sitters club #12) Graphix
Zobacz w sklepieGRAPHIX75,92 zł -
North spain coast marco polo pocket travel guide - with pull out map Heartwood publishing
Zobacz w sklepieHeartwood Publishing46,75 zł -
Cle international Lectures cle en francais facile niveau 1: jacquou le croquant
Zobacz w sklepieCLE International11,16 zł -
Hall, schmidt, and wood's principles of critical care, fifth edition Mcgraw hill education & medic
Zobacz w sklepieMCGRAW HILL EDUCATION & MEDIC965,11 zł -
Production Kubernetes: Building Successful Application Platforms
Zobacz w sklepieIn this practical book, four software engineers from VMware bring their shared experiences running Kubernetes in production and provide insight...228,31 zł -
Borderlands / la frontera: the new mestiza: the critical edition Aunt lute books
Zobacz w sklepieAUNT LUTE BOOKS170,43 zł -
9786178253301 Kocia-mytsia mówi: 'nie!' / Киця-Миця каже: Ні! Найкраще – дітям
Zobacz w sklepie9786178253301Киця-Миця любить пригоди й нові знайомства! З нею можна вирушити в бібліотеку, у дитячий садочок, у басейн, на ігровий майданчик, на пляж, у...17,09 zł -
Penguin pr Disillusioned: five families and the unraveling of america's suburbs
Zobacz w sklepiePENGUIN PR106,57 zł -
Tailoring Book: Measuring. Cutting. Fitting. Altering. Finishing
Zobacz w sklepieWith over 80 step-by-step techniques on measuring, cutting, altering and finishing, this is the only book you will need to create and alter a...101,99 zł - Water polo coaching series- book 1 basics of successful coaching
Zobacz w sklepieLulu.com113,49 zł -
Essential World Atlas: The Comprehensive Companion to our Planet
Zobacz w sklepieDiscover the world with this beautifully designed atlas, packed with maps, flags and country profiles all wrapped up in a handy, compact package....57,69 zł -
Kitchen science cookbook Penguin books
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksAll you need to explore science is a kitchen, this cookbook - and a dash of curiosityThe Kitchen Science Cookbook is a beautifully crafted book...101,13 zł -
W. w. norton & company Going infinite – the rise and fall of a new tycoon
Zobacz w sklepieW. W. Norton & CompanyFrom the best-selling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the story of FTXs spectacular collapse and the enigmatic founder at its centre47,25 zł -
The Worry-Free Parent: Living in Confidence So Your Kids Can Too
Zobacz w sklepieBETHANY HOUSE PUBL66,72 zł -
Apress Machine learning on geographical data using python
Zobacz w sklepieAPressBeginning user level194,65 zł -
The university of chicago press Beyond positivism, behaviorism, and neoinstitutionalism in economics
Zobacz w sklepieThe University of Chicago Press143,64 zł -
Penguin books Speaking with confidence
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksDoes the thought of delivering a presentation make your heart skip a beat? Do your pitches fall flat no matter how much preparation you put in?...51,30 zł -
Penguin books Secrets of hartwood hall
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksPre-order Katie Lumsden's mysterious and atmospheric debut novel NOW, for fans of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, Stacey Halls and Bridget CollinsIt's...55,95 zł -
Approaches to Learning and Teaching Art & Design
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University PressA subject-specific guide for teachers to supplement professional development and provide resources for lesson planning.156,89 zł -
The Mending Directory: 50 Modern Stitch Patterns for Visible Repairs
Zobacz w sklepieLANDAUER PUB LLC78,09 zł -
Operacja Czarny Las. Biuro Detektywistyczne nr 2
Zobacz w sklepieMedia RodzinaCzternasty tom o przygodach młodych detektywów z Biura Detektywistycznego nr 2. Tirill i Olivier rozwiązują zagadki, z którymi nie radzą sobie...28,96 zł -
Game Designer's Playbook
Zobacz w sklepieOxford University PressThis book is about game interaction design-in other words, shaping what players can do and how they do it to make a game satisfying and memorable.211,46 zł -
Język polski podręcznik 4 część 1 liceum i technikum zakres podstawowy i rozszerzony Operon
Zobacz w sklepieOperonPodręcznik Język polski 4. Szkoła ponadpodstawowa. Zakres podstawowy i zwiększony. Część 1 został przygotowany dla uczniów klasy 4 liceów ogólnokształcących...70,28 zł -
Gwp Uleczyć traumę seksualną
Zobacz w sklepieGWPTrauma spowodowana naruszeniem naszych granic intymnych, czy to w sytuacji użycia seksualnego, czy innego nadużycia, pociąga za sobą długotrwałe...64,35 zł -
Hachette children's book Dreamworks gabby's dollhouse: crafty-rific sticker activity book
Zobacz w sklepieHachette Children's Book33,21 zł -
Dishonesty is the Second-Best Policy. And Other Rules to Live By
Zobacz w sklepieWe should be grateful for him. Daily MailDavid Mitchells 2014 bestseller Thinking About It Only Makes It Worse must really have made people think...47,88 zł -
Wydawnictwo nasza wiedza Dobrostan, postepowanie i choroby zwierzat laboratoryjnych i zoo
Zobacz w sklepieWydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza243,30 zł -
12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery: Avoiding Relapse Through Self-Awareness and Right Action
Zobacz w sklepie12 Stupid Things That Mess Up Recovery: Avoiding Relapse Through Self-Awareness and Right Action54,62 zł -
Acsi campingcard & stellplatzführer 2025 Kümmerly und frey
Zobacz w sklepieKümmerly und FreyDas ideale Handbuch für Wohnmobilisten105,58 zł -
Wide eyed ed Secret stories of nature: a field guide to uncover our planet's past
Zobacz w sklepieWIDE EYED ED84,32 zł -
Science of can and can't Penguin books
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksA young theoretical physicist's guide to how the radical new science of counterfactuals can reveal the full scope of our universeThere is a vast...51,30 zł -
Kensington pub corp Those empty eyes: a chilling novel of suspense with a shocking twist
Zobacz w sklepieKENSINGTON PUB CORP52,49 zł -
Group. how one therapist and a circle of strangers saved my life
Zobacz w sklepie9781471197888A memoir by a young lawyer who describes her experiences going through group therapy.57,80 zł -
Sex tourism in thailand: inside asia's premier erotic playground New york univ pr
Zobacz w sklepieNEW YORK UNIV PR150,46 zł -
The Way of the Wall Street Warrior: Conquer the Corporate Game Using Tips, Tricks, and Smartcuts
Zobacz w sklepieA Wall Street Insider`s Guide to getting ahead in any highly competitive industry `Dave learned how to win in investment banking the hard way....49,99 zł -
Penguin books My little french kitchen
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksRachel Khoo follows: The Little Paris Kitchen with The Little French Kitchen, bringing her modern twists to classic recipes from around the country....87,58 zł -
Modern Manners. Instructions for living fabulously well. Instructions for living fabulously well
Zobacz w sklepieA selection of stellar contributors to the fabulous womens magazine The Gentlewoman present a timely selection of thought-provoking, witty essays...106,84 zł -
WAS IST WAS Erstes Lesen Band 27. Das alte Ägypten
Zobacz w sklepieTessloff VerlagSpannende Sachtexte und beeindruckende Fotos machen das alte Ägypten lebendig und begeistern Kinder fürs Lesen. Pharaos, Pyramiden, heilige Tiere,...32,22 zł -
Tiger-Tiger, Is It True?: Four Questions to Make You Smile Again
Zobacz w sklepieTiger-Tiger, Is It True? is a story about a little tiger who thinks that his whole world is falling apart and life is unfair. But a wise turtle...63,04 zł -
The Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy Colouring Book
Zobacz w sklepieHarperCollins PublishersExperience your favourite characters and enchanting scenes from one of the most famous fantasy worlds ever created — Middle-earth — in a brilliant...51,30 zł -
Peppa pig: george's potty: a noisy sound book for potty training
Zobacz w sklepie9780241476482Help introduce your toddler to toilet training with this noisy potty book!The fun story shows little ones that even George wasn't sure about...38,59 zł -
Samurai sudoku: 500 easy to hard sudoku puzzles overlapping into 100 samurai style Independently published
Zobacz w sklepieIndependently PublishedSamurai Sudoku Book is a collection of 500 sudoku puzzles overlapping into 100 samurai style. Part of the popular "Logic Puzzles" series, the...40,13 zł -
Michael rosen's totally true (and totally silly) bedtime stories
Zobacz w sklepie9781526366870Britain's national treasure Michael Rosen delivers a silly, mind-fizzing collection of heartwarming true tales perfect for bedtime. For kids...61,19 zł -
Dungeons & Dragons: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Zobacz w sklepieWizards of the CoastGet everything you need to adventure in the Forgotten Realms on the exciting Sword Coast, home to the cities of Baldur’s Gate, Waterdeep, and...163,81 zł -
Sebastião Salgado. Workers. an Archaeology of the Industrial Age
Zobacz w sklepie9783836596329Sebastião Salgado’s photo book classic Workers. An Archaeology of the Industrial Age (first published in 1993) pays tribute to the time-honored...351,99 zł -
Star Wars: The Eye of Darkness (The High Republic)
Zobacz w sklepieCornerstoneOne year after the tragic events of The Fallen Star, the Jedi fight to break the Nihil's control over the galaxy. The galaxy is divided. Following...39,44 zł -
Zysk i s-ka Przedziwna śmierć europy
Zobacz w sklepieZysk i S-kaDlaczego Stary Kontynent popełnia samobójstwo? Spadająca stopa urodzin, masowa imigracja i pielęgnowanie braku zaufania do siebie i nienawiści...53,67 zł -
Back on Track: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic to Help Kids Thrive
Zobacz w sklepieMAYO CLINIC PR87,58 zł -
The little paris kitchen Penguin books
Zobacz ofertęPenguin BooksRachel Khoo serves up a modern twist on classic French cooking. Rachel Khoo was determined to get to grips with French cooking, so to learn more...99,65 zł -
Penguin books Peppa pig: in a plane - ladybird readers level 2
Zobacz w sklepiePenguin BooksIt was the holidays! Peppa and her family wanted to go to the park, but their car stopped. What did they do? They flew in a plane!Ladybird Readers...18,68 zł -
Zog i latający pomocnik. wersja ukraińska/ Зоґ і летюча допомога
Zobacz w sklepie9786177329397А что это за невероятное трио виднеется на горизонте? Да это же дракончик Зог, принцесса Златка и рыцарь Галалот, а вместе они – летающая помощь!...50,79 zł -
Quantum theory of fields Cambridge university press
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University PressAvailable for the first time in paperback, The Quantum Theory of Fields is a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum...601,29 zł -
Изучаем космос: энциклопедия для малышей в сказках Феникс
Zobacz w sklepieФениксХотите узнать о космосе, познакомиться с небесными телами и совершить удивительное путешествие по Вселенной? Тогда в путь! Вместе с отважным...101,52 zł -
Prepare Level 1 Teacher's Book with Digital Pack
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University Press'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools as well as B2 First...167,86 zł -
Environmental management Cambridge university press
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University PressA textbook and manual on environmental management that provides theory and practical skills needed to address current issues and trends.219,96 zł -
Successful meetings: dvd and student's book pack Oxford university press
Zobacz w sklepieOxford University PressSuccessful Meetings is a video-led course which teaches students to communicate successfully in meetings in English.142,16 zł -
Iowa state university press Anatomy and physiology for veterinary technicians and nurses - a clinical approach
Zobacz w sklepieIowa State University PressAnatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses: A Clinical Approach is a comprehensive resource on the anatomy and physiology of...285,12 zł -
Oxford read and imagine: starter: hello, goodbye Oxford university press
Zobacz w sklepieOxford University PressOxford Read and Imagine is a fiction series written for primary and pre-primary students. Young learners follow Rosie, Ben and Grandpa on their...39,83 zł -
City of echoes: a new history of rome, its popes, and its people Pegasus books
Zobacz w sklepiePEGASUS BOOKS106,57 zł -
Leper King and his Heirs
Zobacz w sklepieCambridge University PressThe reign of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem (1174–85) has traditionally been seen as a period of decline when, because of the king's illness, power...236,38 zł -
Благословение небожителей. Том 1 (мягкий переплет)
Zobacz w sklepieЭксмоВ незапамятные времена Се Лянь был наследным принцем государства Сяньлэ. Судьба одарила его всем: прекрасным ликом, чистыми помыслами и бесконечной...70,68 zł -
Growing a Food Forest - Trees, Shrubs, & Perennials That'll Feed Ya
Zobacz w sklepieRosefiend Publishing89,07 zł -
John wiley & sons inc Transformed: moving to the product operating model
Zobacz w sklepieJohn Wiley & Sons IncIn INSPIRED, product thought leader Marty Cagan revealed the best practices and techniques used żeby the top product teams operating in the product...112,80 zł -
Level 3: the cellist of sarajevo book and mp3 pack Pearson education limited
Zobacz w sklepiePEARSON Education LimitedPenguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Sarajevo is under siege. There...47,44 zł -
Pearson Chemistry for the IB Diploma. Standard Level BEZPŁATNY ODBIÓR W KSIĘGARNIACH
Zobacz w sklepiePearsonCompletely revised new edition of the market-leading Chemistry textbook for SL, written for the new 2014 Science IB Diploma curriculum. Now with...308,84 zł -
Hachette children's book Demon in the wood: a shadow and bone graphic novel
Zobacz w sklepieHachette Children's BookSee the Grishaverse come to life on screen with the Netflix series, Shadow and Bone - Season 2 streaming now! Discover the origin story of the...49,82 zł -
Ortograffiti RZ Z poziom pierwszy zeszyt cwiczen
Zobacz w sklepieOperonZeszyt cwiczen do pracy terapeutycznej w szkole i w domu dla uczniow z dysleksja albo majacych trudnosci w nauce ortografii.37,06 zł -
Lightning source inc Hidden wealth: the money making power of licensing
Zobacz w sklepieLIGHTNING SOURCE INCJust like oil was the wealth creator in the 20th century, intellectual property is now the wealth creator of the 21st century. But the problem...89,07 zł -
Szpila agnieszka - heksy W.a.b
Zobacz w sklepieW.A.BNowa książki autorki „Łebków od szpilki" i „Bardo". Anna Szajbel, prezeska polskiego koncernu paliwowego, zostaje przyłapana na uprawianiu namiętnej...42,30 zł