Literatura obcojęzyczna Cideb S R L
72 produktyPopularne w ostatnim czasie:
Facile a lire Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lŻycie Ali Baby zmienia się w dniu, w którym widzi czterdziestu złodziei ukrywających swój skarb w tajnej jaskini i słyszy, jak przywódca złodziei...21,05 zł -
Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lA lively mystery story involving a magician called Zed, some daring school children and a crime to be solved. Children practise their English...42,70 zł -
Lire et s'entrainer Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lIn 1872 a rich English gentleman, Phileas Fogg, makes a bet that he can go around the world in 80 days. Accompanied żeby his French manservant,...38,15 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lD’Artagnan rencontre a la cour dans des conditions bien fâcheuses, Aramis, Porthos et Athos: ils vont s’affronter en duel... Mais les gardes...38,15 zł -
Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lPerceval leaves his mother to live a peaceful life in the woods. However, one day he meets a group of knights who have arrived from Camelot,...38,15 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Imparare leggendo
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lJust as every year, Beatrice De Bianchi travels to the magnificent villa Villa dei Mughetti near Santa Margherita Ligure to celebrate her birthday....37,95 zł -
Leer y aprender
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lWhat is the secret of the bone case which Sara bought at the market of Plaza Redonda in Valencia? Whatever the secret is, Sara and her twin sister...35,09 zł -
Lesen und Uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lPoziom A1.Akcja powieści rozgrywa się pod koniec XVIII w. W Europie Zachodniej (w głównej mierze w Szwajcarii − Genewie, a także Lucernie) i...35,09 zł -
Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lLa morte per avvelenamento di un medico milanese sconvolge la tranquilla atmosfera della piccola pensione36,57 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lThis is a story about a witch who is so stupid that she is actually harmless! She becomes extremely dangerous however, when a blow to her head...25,20 zł -
Lesen und Uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.l1829. Ein unbekannter Junge taucht plötzlich in Nürnberg auf, nachdem er 17 Jahre in einem dunklen Gefängnis versteckt worden war. Wer hielt...37,95 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Green apple
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lDo you know that Henry VIII was happily married for almost 20 years to the same queen before meeting his other wives? Do you know Queen Elizabeth...37,95 zł -
Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lA mystery is hidden in the great house overlooking the cliffs. In the village there are rumours that the house is haunted: at night you can hear...36,57 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Green apple
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lGrowing up in New England during the American Civil War isn’t easy for the March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. With their father away, they...35,09 zł -
Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lErich has not come back from school. Where is he? Has he escaped? Has he been kidnapped? His parents and his sister are worried and ask the police...35,09 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lSiegfried und Kriemhild sind in Zitaten und Anspielungen noch heute lebendig, und das nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum. Grund genug, einmal...39,83 zł -
Lesen und Uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lDie Nachbarin ist tot. Hat ihr Mann sie umgebracht? Der fünfzehnjährige Georg ist ihm auf der Spur. Spannung und dramatischer Schlusseffekt sind...35,09 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Reading & training
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lAt Lady Windermere’s party a famous palm reader predicts that Lord Arthur Savile will commit a murder. Will the handsome young nobleman become...38,15 zł -
Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lA dramatic intrusion ends a long family feud, a man is strangely influenced aby his pets, a cat brings scandal to British society and a little...38,15 zł -
Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lNuremberg: Christmas Eve. Among the gifts the two children find under the tree there’s a nutcracker. What a strange object! But what happens...35,09 zł -
Rue mouffetard Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lRue Mouffetard développe et renforce les compétences lexicales de l’alimentation et de la restauration. Inspiré de la rue parisienne, célčbre...59,51 zł -
Leer y aprender
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lA finales del siglo XVII en Madrid, una joven y bellísima gitana llamada Preciosa, provoca la admiración de cuantos la ven bailar y de cuantos...38,15 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lFreddy Finds the Thief gives children their first taste of English in the form of a play: they read and act out the adventures of Freddy, who...25,20 zł -
Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lCaroline wants to work in an important hotel. Her wish comes true when her uncle George, a famous chef in a luxury hotel on banks of a Lake Geneva,...35,09 zł -
Reading & Training
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lYoung Catherine Morland lives in a world of fantasy, where the intrigue of her favourite Gothic Romances is the truth of her private world, imposing...38,15 zł -
Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lHeinrich has been studying in the city for a year, but every weekend he goes back to his parents’ house in the country. He especially likes going...35,09 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lThis scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such...37,95 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lAfter nineteen years in prison for having stolen some bread, Jean Valjean, thanks to his meeting with the bishop of Digne, Monsignor Myriel,...31,13 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lIl y a tres longtemps, vivait en Grande-Bretagne un roi nommé Arthur. Courageux, juste et généreux, armé de son inséparable épée Excalibur, il...37,95 zł -
Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lFitzgerald's glittering Jazz Age masterpiece.Jay Gatsby is a self-made man, famed for his decadent champagne-drenched parties. Despite being...32,52 zł -
Imparare leggendo
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lI promessi sposi e un celebre romanzo storico di Alessandro Manzoni, ritenuto il piu famoso e il piu letto tra quelli scritti in lingua italiana....38,15 zł -
Imparare leggendo
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lFabrizio e un uomo di successo: dirigente in una grande societ36,57 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lBiedny i głodny krawiec Strapinsky przybywa do Seldvyla, gdzie szuka pracy. Miejscowi mylą go z księciem i zostaje wplątany w nad wyraz skomplikowane...37,95 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lCamille lives in Bastia but must spend the end of her summer holidays with her grandmother in Zicavo, a little village in the middle of the Corsican...28,66 zł -
Lesen und Uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lIn der belebtesten Straße Berlin, steht ein altes, scheinbar unbewohntes Haus. Theodor flaniert täglich die Straße entlang und bleibt immer vor...37,95 zł -
Lesen und Uben
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lSein Vater war ein Ritter, und ist im Kampf gefallen. Parzivals Leben soll anders aussehen. Er wächst bei seiner Mutter auf, im Wald, wo er nichts...38,15 zł -
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lThe little mermaid lives in a magical, beautiful world at the bottom of the sea, but she wants to see what the world above is like. When she...34,69 zł -
Libro del alumno + 2 cds Cideb s.r.l
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lDescrubrir Espana y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed at middle school students. Żeby using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures...183,29 zł -
Facile a lire
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lLa petite Sirene książka + Audio online Niveau 321,05 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Classici
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lLW Fiabe regionali italianeThis book contains a collection of the best fairy tales of our rich regional tradition, a fascinating journey through...36,57 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lFlora, Tom, Emma et Lissandru ne se connaissent pas. Pourtant, ils se réveillent un matin tous les quatre dans une bergerie, au milieu du maquis...58,91 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lGuillermo and Lucía are 15 years old and they live in Madrid. They are best friends and share everything. One day Max, while waiting for Lucía...70,28 zł -
Lire et s'entrainer
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lThe daring adventures of Zorro, the legendary masked hero of Spanish California, continue to delight readers everywhere. A story filled with...58,91 zł -
Cideb s.r.l. Interact with literature
Zobacz w sklepieCIDEB s.r.lA collection of nine, amazing and chilling complete short stories żeby Roberta Simpson Brown, Adele Geras, Maria Leach, Stephen King, Evelyn...42,50 zł