Literatura obcojęzyczna Cideb S R L

72 produkty
  • Facile a lire Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Facile a lire Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Życie Ali Baby zmienia się w dniu, w którym widzi czterdziestu złodziei ukrywających swój skarb w tajnej jaskini i słyszy, jak przywódca złodziei...
    21,05 zł
  • Reading & Training Discovery

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & Training Discovery
    CIDEB s.r.l
    58,91 zł
  • Reading & Training

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & Training
    CIDEB s.r.l
    38,15 zł
  • Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    A lively mystery story involving a magician called Zed, some daring school children and a crime to be solved. Children practise their English...
    42,70 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    In 1872 a rich English gentleman, Phileas Fogg, makes a bet that he can go around the world in 80 days. Accompanied żeby his French manservant,...
    38,15 zł
  • Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    D’Artagnan rencontre a la cour dans des conditions bien fâcheuses, Aramis, Porthos et Athos: ils vont s’affronter en duel... Mais les gardes...
    38,15 zł
  • Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    34,59 zł
  • Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Reading & training Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    38,15 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Perceval leaves his mother to live a peaceful life in the woods. However, one day he meets a group of knights who have arrived from Camelot,...
    38,15 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Imparare leggendo

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Imparare leggendo
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Just as every year, Beatrice De Bianchi travels to the magnificent villa Villa dei Mughetti near Santa Margherita Ligure to celebrate her birthday....
    37,95 zł
  • Leer y aprender

    Zobacz w sklepie Leer y aprender
    CIDEB s.r.l
    What is the secret of the bone case which Sara bought at the market of Plaza Redonda in Valencia? Whatever the secret is, Sara and her twin sister...
    35,09 zł
  • Lesen und Uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und Uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Poziom A1.Akcja powieści rozgrywa się pod koniec XVIII w. W Europie Zachodniej (w głównej mierze w Szwajcarii − Genewie, a także Lucernie) i...
    35,09 zł
  • Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    La morte per avvelenamento di un medico milanese sconvolge la tranquilla atmosfera della piccola pensione
    36,57 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    This is a story about a witch who is so stupid that she is actually harmless! She becomes extremely dangerous however, when a blow to her head...
    25,20 zł
  • Reading & Training

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & Training
    CIDEB s.r.l
    38,15 zł
  • Lesen und Uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und Uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    1829. Ein unbekannter Junge taucht plötzlich in Nürnberg auf, nachdem er 17 Jahre in einem dunklen Gefängnis versteckt worden war. Wer hielt...
    37,95 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Green apple

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Green apple
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Do you know that Henry VIII was happily married for almost 20 years to the same queen before meeting his other wives? Do you know Queen Elizabeth...
    37,95 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    58,91 zł
  • Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    A mystery is hidden in the great house overlooking the cliffs. In the village there are rumours that the house is haunted: at night you can hear...
    36,57 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Green apple

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Green apple
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Growing up in New England during the American Civil War isn’t easy for the March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. With their father away, they...
    35,09 zł
  • Grammaire savoir-delf Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Grammaire savoir-delf Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    105,08 zł
  • Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Erich has not come back from school. Where is he? Has he escaped? Has he been kidnapped? His parents and his sister are worried and ask the police...
    35,09 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Siegfried und Kriemhild sind in Zitaten und Anspielungen noch heute lebendig, und das nicht nur im deutschsprachigen Raum. Grund genug, einmal...
    39,83 zł
  • Lesen und Uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und Uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Die Nachbarin ist tot. Hat ihr Mann sie umgebracht? Der fünfzehnjährige Georg ist ihm auf der Spur. Spannung und dramatischer Schlusseffekt sind...
    35,09 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Reading & training

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Reading & training
    CIDEB s.r.l
    At Lady Windermere’s party a famous palm reader predicts that Lord Arthur Savile will commit a murder. Will the handsome young nobleman become...
    38,15 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    40,82 zł
  • Reading & training Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    A dramatic intrusion ends a long family feud, a man is strangely influenced aby his pets, a cat brings scandal to British society and a little...
    38,15 zł
  • Reading & training Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    38,15 zł
  • Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Nuremberg: Christmas Eve. Among the gifts the two children find under the tree there’s a nutcracker. What a strange object! But what happens...
    35,09 zł
  • Reading & Training

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & Training
    CIDEB s.r.l
    35,09 zł
  • Rue mouffetard Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Rue mouffetard Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Rue Mouffetard développe et renforce les compétences lexicales de l’alimentation et de la restauration. Inspiré de la rue parisienne, célčbre...
    59,51 zł
  • Leer y aprender

    Zobacz w sklepie Leer y aprender
    CIDEB s.r.l
    A finales del siglo XVII en Madrid, una joven y bellísima gitana llamada Preciosa, provoca la admiración de cuantos la ven bailar y de cuantos...
    38,15 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Freddy Finds the Thief gives children their first taste of English in the form of a play: they read and act out the adventures of Freddy, who...
    25,20 zł
  • Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Caroline wants to work in an important hotel. Her wish comes true when her uncle George, a famous chef in a luxury hotel on banks of a Lake Geneva,...
    35,09 zł
  • Reading & Training

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & Training
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Young Catherine Morland lives in a world of fantasy, where the intrigue of her favourite Gothic Romances is the truth of her private world, imposing...
    38,15 zł
  • Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    35,09 zł
  • Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Heinrich has been studying in the city for a year, but every weekend he goes back to his parents’ house in the country. He especially likes going...
    35,09 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und uben Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    37,95 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender
    CIDEB s.r.l
    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such...
    37,95 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    After nineteen years in prison for having stolen some bread, Jean Valjean, thanks to his meeting with the bishop of Digne, Monsignor Myriel,...
    31,13 zł
  • Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Il y a tres longtemps, vivait en Grande-Bretagne un roi nommé Arthur. Courageux, juste et généreux, armé de son inséparable épée Excalibur, il...
    37,95 zł
  • Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Reading & training Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Fitzgerald's glittering Jazz Age masterpiece.Jay Gatsby is a self-made man, famed for his decadent champagne-drenched parties. Despite being...
    32,52 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    41,31 zł
  • Imparare leggendo

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo
    CIDEB s.r.l
    I promessi sposi e un celebre romanzo storico di Alessandro Manzoni, ritenuto il piu famoso e il piu letto tra quelli scritti in lingua italiana....
    38,15 zł
  • Imparare leggendo

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Fabrizio e un uomo di successo: dirigente in una grande societ
    36,57 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lesen und uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Biedny i głodny krawiec Strapinsky przybywa do Seldvyla, gdzie szuka pracy. Miejscowi mylą go z księciem i zostaje wplątany w nad wyraz skomplikowane...
    37,95 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Camille lives in Bastia but must spend the end of her summer holidays with her grandmother in Zicavo, a little village in the middle of the Corsican...
    28,66 zł
  • Lesen und Uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und Uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    In der belebtesten Straße Berlin, steht ein altes, scheinbar unbewohntes Haus. Theodor flaniert täglich die Straße entlang und bleibt immer vor...
    37,95 zł
  • Leer y aprender

    Zobacz w sklepie Leer y aprender
    CIDEB s.r.l
    70,28 zł
  • Lesen und Uben

    Zobacz w sklepie Lesen und Uben
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Sein Vater war ein Ritter, und ist im Kampf gefallen. Parzivals Leben soll anders aussehen. Er wächst bei seiner Mutter auf, im Wald, wo er nichts...
    38,15 zł
  • Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    The little mermaid lives in a magical, beautiful world at the bottom of the sea, but she wants to see what the world above is like. When she...
    34,69 zł
  • Libro del alumno + 2 cds Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Libro del alumno + 2 cds Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Descrubrir Espana y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed at middle school students. Żeby using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures...
    183,29 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Reading & training - life skills

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Reading & training - life skills
    CIDEB s.r.l
    51,00 zł
  • Facile a lire

    Zobacz w sklepie Facile a lire
    CIDEB s.r.l
    La petite Sirene książka + Audio online Niveau 3
    21,05 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Classici

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Classici
    CIDEB s.r.l
    LW Fiabe regionali italianeThis book contains a collection of the best fairy tales of our rich regional tradition, a fascinating journey through...
    36,57 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Flora, Tom, Emma et Lissandru ne se connaissent pas. Pourtant, ils se réveillent un matin tous les quatre dans une bergerie, au milieu du maquis...
    58,91 zł
  • Reading & training Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Reading & training Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    34,00 zł
  • Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    37,95 zł
  • Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l

    Zobacz w sklepie Imparare leggendo Cideb s.r.l
    CIDEB s.r.l
    36,57 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Leer y aprender
    CIDEB s.r.l
    Guillermo and Lucía are 15 years old and they live in Madrid. They are best friends and share everything. One day Max, while waiting for Lucía...
    70,28 zł
  • Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    21,05 zł
  • Lire et s'entrainer

    Zobacz w sklepie Lire et s'entrainer
    CIDEB s.r.l
    The daring adventures of Zorro, the legendary masked hero of Spanish California, continue to delight readers everywhere. A story filled with...
    58,91 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Earlyreads
    CIDEB s.r.l
    25,20 zł
  • Cideb s.r.l. Interact with literature

    Zobacz w sklepie Cideb s.r.l. Interact with literature
    CIDEB s.r.l
    A collection of nine, amazing and chilling complete short stories żeby Roberta Simpson Brown, Adele Geras, Maria Leach, Stephen King, Evelyn...
    42,50 zł