Zdjęcia produktu

Harry potter (Insight Editions)

(2011 / 27 / miękka / 9781608870394)
Literatura obcojęzyczna Insight Editions
Dostepność na dzień 19.12.2024: w magazynie

Promocyjna oferta cenowa:

45,27 zł
Sklep Libristo.pl
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Przejdź do sklepu 45,27 zł - najtaniej w bazie!

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Recenzje i opinie

Opis produktu Harry potter

More than 400 unique stickers from the "Harry PotterTM" film series! "Harry Potter: A Sticker Collection" is the first sticker book to include reusable stickers of characters, creatures, and magical items from all eight movies in the "Harry Potte" film series!

Also included are photographs from Years 1 through 7 at Hogwarts and artwork depicting important wizarding locations such as Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the Ministry of Magic. This sticker collection can be used to relive your favorite "Harry Potter" moments and to decorate your locker, room, or laptop with "Harry Potter" movie magic.

Included are stickers of: Harry, Ron, and HermioneVoldemortTM and the Death EatersMagical TransportationOrder of the PhoenixTMWeasleys' Wizard WheezesMagical Beasts, Creatures, and BeingsTriwizard TournamentTMQuidditchTM...

and much, much more!

Dane oraz specyfikacja:

Ranking ofert - najlepsze promocyjne ceny 2017

  • Harry Potter (sklep Libristo.pl)
    45,27 zł Sklep Libristo.pl
    Przejdź do sklepu

W naszym rankingu znajduje się 1 promocyjnych ofert w cenie 45,27 zł.

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